Last Name Considerations for LGBTQ+ Couples

For LGBTQ+ couples who are about to be married, the question of what to do about last names can be a tough one. There are a number of options - but some come with additional legal hurdles. Here's what you need to know.

Category: Marriage

wedding culture legal communication

A Quick Guide to Save-the-Date Cards

COVID-19 has put a pin in most weddings this summer (and potentially beyond). But that means that save-the-date cards are even more critical now than ever! Keep your guests informed with these save-the-date tips.

Category: Wedding Materials

wedding wedding day wedding invitation communication wedding guests

The Call for Compassion in the Age of COVID-19

In the age of COVID, many of us are anxious about our health, our loved ones, even the economy. Practicing empathy and compassion towards your fellow humans will help all of us get through this pandemic together.

Category: Loss

funeral culture grief communication self care

Commit To Cooking With Your Partner and Find a Great Way To Connect

Cooking as a couple is a great way to strengthen your bond, save money, and improve your health. If you don't know a spatula from a colander, here's how to get started on cooking for yourself and your partner.

Category: Marriage

communication health home

A Guide To Selecting Gifts for Your Significant Other

Is your partner one of those people that's just hard to buy a gift for? Knowing how to find the perfect gift for a picky partner is an underrated and valuable skill to keeping your relationship healthy and happy.

Category: Marriage

communication relationships

Weekday Weddings: Embracing the New Normal

Rescheduling your wedding due to COVID-19? You might have a tough time getting a Friday or Saturday date. Most analysts expect weekday weddings will be the norm for the second half of 2020; Here's what you need to know.

Category: Wedding Planning

communication wedding vendors wedding stress

Cake Shopping While Social Distancing? Here’s How To Do It Right

Social distancing is throwing a wrench into even the best-laid wedding plans. But valued and important vendors, like your wedding cake vendor, can still be found, even if your search is exclusively digital.

Category: Wedding Planning

communication wedding cake wedding vendors

Weddings in the COVID-19 Age: Some Helpful Resources

Unfortunately, COVID-19 seems to be upending even the best laid plans - including summer weddings. If your upcoming wedding has to be postponed due to coronavirus, here are some resources on how to proceed.

Category: Wedding Planning

communication wedding guests wedding vendors

Rethinking Wedding Plans Because of COVID-19? Here’s What You Should Know

Unfortunately, the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak across the globe has couples who were going to be wed this summer having to seriously rethink their plans. Here's what to do if you need to postpone your wedding.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding wedding day communication wedding guests

Secrets of Successful Cohabitation

Cohabitation is a huge step in a relationship. And like most big things in life, there are bound to be growing pains. Here are steps you and your partner can take to ensure your move-in goes smoothly.

Category: Society

culture communication self care relationships

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