Explaining the Afterlife to Kids: A Guide for Parents and Ministers
Navigating the topic of the afterlife with kids can be challenging. This guide offers parents and ministers helpful tips, and age-appropriate ways to explain death, heaven, and spirituality to children with compassion.
Category: Loss
Finding Solace and Support: Grief Resources for After The Funeral
Grieving the loss of a loved one is not a linear process, nor does it end when the funeral is over. With these resources we hope that should you find yourself navigating such a process these tools will prove helpful.
Category: Loss
Manage Your Grief Through the Holidays
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has a free helpline to find assistance at 1-800-950-6264, or text 62640 to get referrals to local assistance.
Category: Loss
What Can the Sims Teach Us About Death?
Losing a loved one is never easy, and we all mourn our losses in different ways. And many have found a greater understanding of grief and death in perhaps the one place you'd least expect: The Sims video game.
Category: Loss
What To Know About Finding a Grief Counselor
If you're having trouble moving on after the death of a close friend or family member, you might consider a grief counselor to help you get through this difficult time. Here's how to find the help you need.
Category: Loss
Finding Your Focus After the Death of a Loved One
The death of a close friend or family member is always difficult, and we all handle grief differently. There are some common experiences, though. Here's how to cope with a difficult loss and get back on your feet.
Category: Loss
Living Trusts and Probate: What You Need To Know
Don't take your finances for granted, create a living trust and a will to ensure that all of your affairs, finances, and your estate are handled to your satisfaction and the manner you desire after you're gone.
Category: Loss
Using the Start of the Year To Remember Those You’ve Lost
Losing someone close to you is always a difficult experience. Here are some ways you can use the changing of the year to mourne in a healthy and reflective way, and process your grief into positive memories.
Category: Loss
The Low-Down on Life Insurance
Shopping for life insurance, or even understanding all the terms and legal language, can be a confusing ordeal. Here's your guide to life insurance, so you can square that away and plan for your family's future.
Category: Loss
A Checklist of Steps To Follow After a Loved One Passes
Dealing with the loss of a loved one is always tough. Nevertheless, there's still business to attend to, from funeral arrangements to notifying others. At a loss of what to do after a loss? Follow this checklist.