Post-Wedding Rites in Different Cultures

Explore diverse post-wedding rites worldwide: from India's farewell ceremony, "Vidaai" to Africa's"Libation" ceremony, each tradition reflects cultural richness and familial bonding, celebrating love in unique ways.

Category: Marriage

wedding weddings culture

Wedding Traditions in Indigenous Cultures

Wedding traditions in indigenous cultures offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse customs and spiritual practices. From the Navajo to the Aboriginal, and the Zulu, we explore how other cultures unite in love.

Category: Marriage

weddings culture tradition

10 Tips for Including Your Pet at Your Wedding

Incorporating furry family members into your ceremony is a great way to celebrate their place in your family. Keep these considerations in mind if you're planning to include your furry family member on your wedding day.

Category: Marriage

wedding wedding day weddings

Woman Vows To Be Submissive in Wedding

Relationship dynamics are constantly shifting. Some still observe the belief that one partner ought to submit to the other. Regardless of the dynamics you favor it's crucial to ensure both parties consent to the dynamic.

Category: Marriage

religious ceremony communication relationships

Keep the Romance Alive While Planning Your Big Day

Planning a wedding will certainly demand more attention and resources but it is equally important to continue to cultivate the connection between partners. We hope these tips prove helpful in strengthening your bond.

Category: Marriage


Coping With Post-Wedding Blues

While not widely spoken about, experiencing post-wedding blues can be quite common. In this article, we share key tips for navigating the transition from wedding planning excitement to the joys of marital bliss.

Category: Marriage

weddings self care relationships

Keeping Love Alive After The Wedding

It's easy to settle into the routines and responsibilties of life, and inadvertantly grow apart from your spouse. These crucial tips on how to keep the relationship connection strong will help long after the wedding day.

Category: Marriage

relationships family home

Tips on Putting Together a Minimalist Wedding

Minimalist weddings have been making a comeback in recent years, and for great reason. A simple color pallette, and decor can create opportunities to incorporate unique touches that truly reflect a couple's style.

Category: Marriage

wedding weddings wedding theme wedding flowers

Eminem's Daughter Alaina Scott Marries Longtime Partner Matt Moeller

Rap artist, Eminem, has had the pleasure of walking his daughter Alaina down the aisle. Though not his biological daughter, Eminem has stepped into the father role and finally had the honor of seeing her married!

Category: Marriage

wedding wedding theme family

Using AI to Write Wedding Vows?

AI is permeating our world, and while it can bring ease to many tasks, the question stands if it's appropriate to use AI to write wedding vows. Keep these considerations in mind if you choose to utilize AI for your vows.

Category: Marriage

wedding day culture morals