Creative Ways To Tell the World You Are Engaged

Choosing how to announce one of the most meaningful transitions in life can feel like a big decision. We share these ideas and considerations to make when you choose how to share your big news with the world at large.

Category: Engagement

wedding communication tradition

Connect With Your Partner Before Your Wedding With These Ideas

Remaining connected with your partner in the time leading up to the ceremony is incredibly important. We share these suggestions for cultivating connection, beyond the minutae of wedding planning.

Category: Wedding Planning

weddings communication relationships

Woman Vows To Be Submissive in Wedding

Relationship dynamics are constantly shifting. Some still observe the belief that one partner ought to submit to the other. Regardless of the dynamics you favor it's crucial to ensure both parties consent to the dynamic.

Category: Marriage

religious ceremony communication relationships

Tips for How You Can Better Connect With Your Partner on an Emotional Level

Good communication is the bedrock of all good relationships. But what to do if you're feeling emotionally distant from your partner? You can connect (or re-connect) with your partner using these techniques.

Category: Marriage


How To Improve Communication in Your Relationship

A foundation of communication is what makes good relationships great. But not everyone is born a natural communicator. Thankfully, a little practice goes a long way in building rapport in your relationship.

Category: Marriage


Simple Ways To Handle Mental Health Topics in Your Marriage

Mental health can be a sensitive topic in some relationships, and it can be difficult for some to open up. While this is a challenging subject, it's important to talk about mental health with your partner.

Category: Marriage


How Newlyweds Can Best Manage Stress in the First Year of Marriage

The first year of marriage is a joyous time for most couples, but it can also be a time of stress. There are bound to be bumps along the way, and here's how to navigate them effectively as a newlywed team.

Category: Marriage


How To Apologize and Keep Your Marriage Strong

Knowing when and how to apologize in a marriage is an important skill to keep your relationship strong. You can't completely eliminate fights in a relationship, but you can get through them gracefully.

Category: Marriage


It’s My Funeral and I Don’t Know What To Wear!

We don't often think about what we'll wear to our funeral, but planning ahead and having it in writing can help your family out in a tough time. And from a nice suit to nothing at all, there are plenty of options.

Category: Funeral

funeral communication appearance

The Best Ways To Stay Motivated While Wedding Planning

Planning a wedding is often a stressful and difficult time, and keeping your motivation in the midst of it all can be difficult. Here are some quick tips to keep yourself motivated while planning a wedding.

Category: Wedding Planning

communication self care wedding stress

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