Do Couples Need To Hire a Wedding Planner?

One of the first decisions to make when planning a wedding is if you need help planning. Because each wedding is different, you may or may not need some help. Here's how to decide if you need a wedding planner.

Category: Wedding Planning

money communication self care wedding vendors

Things To Consider When You Can’t Stand Your Friend’s Future Spouse

It's a very tricky situation when you don't like your friend's future spouse. Above all, you must consider the wellbeing of your closest friend. Do you step in and say something, or ignore the issue? 

Category: Engagement

wedding communication family

Things To Consider Before Moving In With Someone You’re Dating

Many couples move in together before getting married, but it's not a decision to be made lightly. There are many things to consider if you and your partner are looking to co-habitate before tying the knot.

Category: Society

money communication relationships

How To Plan Your Wedding Toast

Being asked to give a wedding toast is a great honor. If you've never given one before, however, you may not know where to start. Here are some quick tips on coming up with the perfect words for a great wedding toast.

Category: Wedding Planning

receptions communication wedding party wedding guests

Tips for Declining a Wedding Invitation

What do you do when you receive an invitation for a wedding you can't (or don't want to) go to? While the motives for declining may vary, there are thankfully some tactful ways to decline a wedding invite.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding invitation communication wedding guests

How To Choose a Maid of Honor or Best Man

Choosing a best man or maid of honor is more than simply choosing your best friend. There are a lot of considerations to take into account. Someone reliable, trustworthy, and supportive will be your best bet.

Category: Wedding Planning

communication wedding party wedding guests bachelor party

What Your Invitation Font Says About You

You may think that your wedding invitation font isn't important, but it will be your guests' first introduction to your wedding's vibe. Here's how to avoid getting overwhelmed and select a great typeface.

Category: Wedding Materials

wedding invitation communication wedding theme

What You Should Know About Rescinding a Wedding Invitation

Whether it's because of the pandemic or due to personal reasons, rescinding a wedding invitation can be tough. Remember that your big day is about your happiness, but understand the consequences of such an action.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding invitation communication wedding guests

Using the Start of the Year To Remember Those You’ve Lost

Losing someone close to you is always a difficult experience. Here are some ways you can use the changing of the year to mourne in a healthy and reflective way, and process your grief into positive memories.

Category: Loss

grief communication self care death

Living Trusts 101: What You Need To Know

Knowing how and why to use a living trust can be a crucial tool when estate planning. Here's how to create a living trust, as well as the advantages and disadvantages to securing your family's financial future this way.

Category: Society

funeral future communication

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