Looking to become a minister? The task can seem daunting. You might not have the time or money to attend seminary or theological school — they can cost more than $50,000! Or maybe you've simply put the idea on the "back burner"… Fortunately, the Universal Life Church makes the whole process fast and free.

The ULC is a non-denominational, nondiscriminatory organization that allows anyone to utilize the Get Ordained online tools to receive their certification, bypassing the traditional "brick and mortar" religious education establishments. Anybody can become a minister, from your next-door neighbor to celebrities like Conan O'Brien and Bryan Cranston !

How to Become Ordained and Perform a Wedding

  1. Fill out our quick and easy online to become an ordained minister.
  2. Research your in America and beyond.
  3. Obtain any or necessary state requirements such as certificates, letter of good standing, etc.
  4. Read for a step-by-step how-to guide on becoming a wedding officiant to perform weddings.
  5. Create and print your that you can use to perform a legal religious marriage ceremony.

Begin Free Online Ordination

As a minister, you'll be able to officiate weddings, perform baptisms, solemnize funerals, and even lead your own congregation. Read some of the articles on the above menu to learn more about your rights and responsibilities.

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