Wedding Script Generator

Are you officiating an upcoming wedding? Struggling to come up with the right words for the big day? Don’t beat yourself up – creating a ceremony script from scratch is no easy task. That's why we devised our very own wedding ceremony script generator for you to use! With this tool, crafting a professional, high-quality wedding script takes just minutes. Just input a few basic details, and we'll take care of the rest!

The best part? It's completely customizable. Whether you're planning for a contemporary Christian wedding, a non-religious vow renewal, or even a traditional Buddhist ceremony, the wide range of available options make it easy to tailor the script for nearly any occasion.

Once you've customized to your heart’s content, you'll see a button to download your free copy of the script right from this page. Need anything else for the big day? Check out the full array of wedding products available in our Ministry Supplies catalog.

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In a hurry? We have a variety of sample wedding scripts avaiable to download.

Basic Info
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Couple's Info: Begin by entering the couple's first names, the last name(s) they plan to use after getting married, and select the state where the wedding will take place.


~ Introductory Music ~

Welcome Statement

Minister: Dearly beloved, we gather here today to celebrate and as they come together to unite in holy matrimony. With feelings of elation and joy, we prepare to bear witness to this sacred ceremony. Before God, we recognize the special bond shared by these two wonderful individuals. Their adoration for one another is palpable, and is truly worthy of appreciation. We are particularly blessed to have friends and family in attendance today. The Groom and Bride would like to extend their thanks to all of you, for your presence makes this ceremony even more meaningful.

and enjoy a firm foundation for their relationship, one built on trust, respect, and shared principles. With a deep mutual understanding, they come before us today ready to take oaths of marriage and dedicate their lives to one another.

There truly is nothing so powerful as love. As the Bible reminds us in the Song of Solomon, "Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned."

As and prepare to make their sacred vows, we are grateful for the love felt in this space and the timeless memories being forged today.

Family Blessing

Minister: Who gives this Bride today?

Bride's Companion: I do.

Speak Now

Minister: If there is anyone who believes that and should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Wedding Sermon

Minister: (Addressing guests) Marriage is a sacred and historic institution that warrants great respect. As we gather to witness and formalize their union, let us acknowledge the significance of the commitment that they are about to enter into.

But the solemnization of marriage is more than a venerated tradition in human culture, it's also an occasion of great joy. In this celebration of love, we find optimism for the future. There are those unfortunate few who would characterize married life as unexciting. They use phrases like "settling down", indicative of a static, unchanging future. But this couldn't be further from the truth. Life, by its very nature, is full of excitement. Married life is no different. There are countless adventures yet to be had and memories yet to be made. And isn't the benefit obvious? You get to do all of these things with a loving partner by your side. As and prepare to formalize their union, they do so contently, knowing that from this day forward they will never walk alone.

(Addressing couple) and , as you embark upon this journey together, embrace all that life throws your way. Relish opportunities to spend time with one another, learn from one another, and embrace one another. Accept your mistakes, and find areas of compromise when you disagree. Sow seeds of trust and respect today, and reap the benefits down the line.

Remember to lean on each other. Always keep your spouse at the center of your heart, and be ever ready to provide them support. Life often presents unexpected challenges, but these obstacles will be no match for the strength of your bond. If you can believe it, the love you share today – as strong as it already is – will only continue to grow and flourish over time. This phenomenon is one of the greatest gifts life has to offer. Cherish it.


Minister: With that in mind, we will now begin the formal matrimonial proceedings. Under the eyes of God, this sacred covenant will be finalized.

As the Bible reminds us in Ecclesiastes, with loving companionship we may overcome any obstacle:

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?

and , as you prepare to share your vows with one another, understand that the significance of this event extends beyond the two of you. In forming this union, you are also participating in a historic tradition carried out by your ancestors, and their ancestors before them. Keep this in mind as we proceed.


Minister: and , I will now invite you to declare your sacred vows to one another.

, would you like to begin?

: I, , take you, , to be my lawfully wedded Wife from this day forth. I promise to be by your side for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. My love and devotion are yours until the end of my days. This is my solemn vow.

, you may now make your promise.

: I, , take you, , to be my lawfully wedded Husband from this day forth. I promise to be by your side for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. My love and devotion are yours until the end of my days. This is my solemn vow.

Declaration of Intent

Minister: and , please join hands. Under the eyes of God, , do you take to be your lawfully wedded Wife? Do you promise to support her completely and love her unconditionally, so long as you both shall live?

: I do.

Minister: Under the eyes of God, , do you take to be your lawfully wedded Husband? Do you promise to support him completely and love him unconditionally, so long as you both shall live?

: I do.

Minister: Very well, let us proceed.

Ring Exchange

Minister: With your vows complete, it's time to exchange rings. Forming an unbroken circle, these rings symbolize the lifelong commitment you now enter into. Let them serve as a reminder of the love you share and the promises you've made before us today.

, I will ask you to go first. Please repeat after me as you place the ring on 's hand.

I, , give you this ring as a symbol of my eternal love and dedication. With this ring, I thee wed.

, now you will do the same.

I, , give you this ring as a symbol of my eternal love and dedication. With this ring, I thee wed.


Minister: By the power bestowed upon me by the Universal Life Church and by the state of , I now pronounce and Husband and Wife, lawfully wedded today before God.


Minister: , you may now kiss the Bride!


Minister: Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs.


~ Exit Music ~