Can Anyone Become an Ordained Minister?

In this article we discuss who can become ordained, what the process may require in your specific area, and the various distinctions and options for those who are interested or hope to serve in a ministerial capacity.

Category: How Do I Get Ordained Become Ordained

become ordained

Can Our Brains Live on After Death?

But other experiments suggest that consciousness may be possible. Another research team in 2018 grew “mini-brains” by producing cerebral cortex tissue from human stem cells.

Category: Get Ordained Become Ordained


Homegoing Service: A Look at Black Christian Funeral Customs

Homegoing services tend to extend the celebration to the interment ceremony, which often includes elements from the funeral, particularly singing, prayer and words of encouragement.

Category: Become Ordained Church


Yikes! I’ve Been Asked to Perform a Wedding!

Here is the scene: Your two best friends, who never do anything like anyone else, have surprised everyone by deciding to get married. And why not, now that they can? Of course, it will be a wedding like no other, and the ...

Category: Get Ordained Wedding Planning Perform a Wedding Become Ordained

perform a wedding minister

Getting Ordained for a Wedding

Online Ordination: The Fastest Way to Legally Wed If your best friend or beloved family member has asked you to preside over their ceremony, getting legally certified can be quick and stress-free. With today's technolog ...

Category: Get Ordained Minister License Perform a Wedding Become Ordained

wedding minister

Filipino Bishop Ordained by Pope Francis

As part of his continuing efforts to re-energize the Catholic Church, Pope Francis ordained a Filipino, Father Narciso Abellana, as a Bishop. The Romblon diocese has long been a stronghold for the Church as it is estimat ...

Category: Become Ordained

Visit Get Ordained™ and Join the Fight for Marriage Equality

New Steps Taken Toward Marriage Equality Gay marriage in the United States has been an ongoing religious and political debate. Recently, New Jersey, Illinois, and Hawaii have all legalized gay marriage in recent weeks g ...

Category: Become Ordained

ULC become ordained wedding

Where Should I Become Ordained? A Guide to the Universal Life Churches

Become Ordained Online through the Universal Life Church Did you know that it takes three or more years and tens of thousands of dollars in tuition alone to become ordained through a Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, or some ...

Category: Become Ordained

ULC Universal Life Church become ordained

Become Ordained to Perform Same Sex Weddings

Same Sex Weddings Now Legal in Nine States Nov. 6, 2012 witnessed four major victories in the fight for complete marriage equality in the United States. The first of these victories came when Minnesota voters defeate ...

Category: Become Ordained

ULC Universal Life Church become ordained