The Role of Godparents: A Modern Take on a Traditional Role

Godparents play a crucial role in a child's life, offering guidance, love, and support. They provide a spiritual and emotional foundation, helping nurture values and offering an additional layer of care and security.

Category: Universal Life Church

family home

Keeping Love Alive After The Wedding

It's easy to settle into the routines and responsibilties of life, and inadvertantly grow apart from your spouse. These crucial tips on how to keep the relationship connection strong will help long after the wedding day.

Category: Marriage

relationships family home

Fun Fall Holidays You May Not Have Heard Of

When we think of fall holidays, we tend to think of Halloween or Thanksgiving. But did you know there are plenty of other fall holidays out there that you and your family can celebrate?

Category: Ceremonies

family home

Commit To Cooking With Your Partner and Find a Great Way To Connect

Cooking as a couple is a great way to strengthen your bond, save money, and improve your health. If you don't know a spatula from a colander, here's how to get started on cooking for yourself and your partner.

Category: Marriage

communication health home

How To Make a Honeymoon Happen at Home

If you've delayed your honeymoon due to COVID-19, you should know that there are fun ways to emulate the experience at home with your partner. Until it's safe to do the real thing, here's how to honeymoon at home.

Category: Marriage

honeymoon relationships home

House Hunting Tips To Guide You Through the Early Stages of Married Life

Buying a home together is a big step for couples to take. And if you're on your first home-buying venture, there are a lot of things you and your new spouse need to consider, from the obvious to the subtle.

Category: Marriage

future family home

Feel Cozy and Live the Hygge Lifestyle With These Tips

One way to unwind at home is the hygge lifestyle, a technique developed by the Danish that promotes comfort and coziness in the home. If you're stressed out from quarantine, consider making these changes and get hygge.

Category: Society

culture self care home

Stuck at Home? Consider These Activities With Your Partner

If you're in social isolation with just you and your significant other in your home, you need to find healthy ways to cohabitate. Here are a few things you can do to stay sane and stay happy while cooped up indoors.

Category: Society

culture self care health home

Adoption 101: A Basic Overview

How many children are adopted each year? What is the adoption process like? What are the associated costs? If you're considering adopting a child into your family, we've got the answers to your most common questions.

Category: Society

money family home children

Tips for Family Unity

New marriage? There are a few things you need to do to ensure your new marriage goes smoothly. From knowing how to communicate properly to properly being able to compromise, here are a few ways to gain family unity.

Category: Society

communication relationships family home children