Interfaith Couples Face Special Challenges

A certain amount of stress is inherent to the planning of any big wedding, but interfaith unions pose unique challenges for couples seeking to marry their beliefs, or simply to get married with both of their families i ...

Category: Marriage

What Newlyweds Do With the Cash

Even as the traditional registry continues to thrive, cash and cash cards are increasingly popular options for the modern wedding gift. Couples are less shy about requesting money, and some guests welcome the opportunity ...

Category: Marriage

How to Take a Look at Your Child’s Future Spouse

The saying goes, "You don't get a second chance at a first impression," but when it comes to your children's chosen partners, you might cut them a little slack. Maybe he wields a toothpick a little too energetically at ...

Category: Marriage

How to Have Your Best Argument Ever

Some of the least helpful, most misguided advice newly married couples receive is, "Don't go to bed angry." There may be good reason why this old sawhorse is pulled out again and again. It aligns with the magical think ...

Category: Marriage

Marriage Myths to Forget

There is a broad scale for how people envision life after the wedding. Some prospective couples may see marriage as their happily-ever-after, without really considering what happens next. Others look forward to totally l ...

Category: Marriage

How to Have a Feminist Wedding

When it comes to planning a wedding, what's a self-identifying feminist to do? As beautiful as a traditional ceremony may be, there are some possible landmines for women and men who want everyone sitting on the same tier ...

Category: Wedding Planning Marriage

The Woman Who Married 50 Times

Maria Yoon is a Korean-born visual and performance artist who recently got married for the fiftieth time in Times Square in New York City. The artist has made a documentary about her experience. Yoon has become known as ...

Category: Get Ordained Marriage

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