Four Unique Alternatives to the Black Tuxedo for Wedding Formalwear

If you want to wear something other than the standard black tuxedo at your wedding, know that you have other options. And although you might take your cues from what your future spouse is wearing, you'll have at least so ...

Category: Wedding Materials Wedding Planning Marriage


Dos and Don’ts of Wedding Thank-You Notes

Your wedding day was likely one of the most memorable days of your life. You probably saw many people you hadn't seen in a long time, and of course you vowed to spend the rest of your life with the person you love most i ...

Category: Wedding Planning Marriage


Six Ways to Make Your Wedding Ceremony Special

Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life. While it's only one day, it represents such a significant event that it's something you will remember for a lifetime. That's probably why so much time, pla ...

Category: Wedding Planning Marriage


Why You Should Buy Life Insurance

You've probably seen commercials on television advertising life insurance. Chances are, these commercials involved older or elderly people discussing its importance. While it's certainly crucial for elderly people to hav ...

Category: Get Ordained Marriage

Balancing the Role Between Mother and Wife

Being a mother and a wife is a wonderful thing. It's a blessing to have children and to be married to the love of your life. That doesn't mean that it can't be hard to balance the two, however. This is especially true in ...

Category: Get Ordained Marriage

Decluttering Your Stuff After Getting Married

Getting married usually means a lot of change is coming your way. While most of this is positive, there are some adjustments you will have to make. One of the biggest changes for many wedding couples is that they go from ...

Category: Get Ordained Marriage

Overcoming Differences With Your Future Spouse

Marriage is a big commitment. You need to be completely sure you are ready and that you are marrying the right person. It's a lot easier to break off an engagement than it is to end a marriage, so you should figure this ...

Category: Get Ordained Marriage

Should You Consider Eloping?

Some people dream about their wedding day from the time they are small children. They may think they have every detail planned out from the beginning. However, perhaps you are not one of those people. Maybe the idea of p ...

Category: Get Ordained Wedding Planning Marriage

honeymoon weddings

Things to Try Before Divorce

Let's face it; marriage is hard. No one makes it through a marriage without having a single conflict or argument. It's unrealistic to expect to have a marriage like this. What happens when your marriage goes beyond the n ...

Category: Get Ordained Ceremonies Marriage

When Your Parent Dies

Whether it's something you saw coming or something unexpected, death is a hard thing to deal with. It's so final, and you probably weren't ready to say goodbye. Losing a parent can be especially difficult. Your parent ha ...

Category: Get Ordained Marriage
