A pile of stuff during the decluttering process.Getting married usually means a lot of change is coming your way. While most of this is positive, there are some adjustments you will have to make. One of the biggest changes for many wedding couples is that they go from living separately to living together. If you lived together before you were married, this isn't an adjustment for you, but it can be for many people. Not only do you have to get used to each other's habits, schedules, and belongings, you may also come to realize that there isn't enough room for both of you to keep all of your stuff. Merging two lives into one can be a challenge, and things get stressful when there is clutter all around you. After your honeymoon, when you have had a chance to settle in a little bit, consider getting rid of things you don't need. There are several ways you can make this process easier.

Tackle One Room at a Time

You probably aren't going to get everything done in one day, so try to focus on one project at a time. Think about the room you spend the most time in or the one that brings you the most stress. That is a good place to begin. When you start multiple projects in several different rooms, you are likely to become stressed, distracted, and less productive. Focusing on a specific room helps ensure that use of your time is effective. Not only is this good for getting the job done, but seeing the fruits of your hard labor can motivate you to keep going when you start to lose interest in the decluttering process.

Make Three Piles

It's easiest to make three separate piles and then deal with each pile individually. Consider getting three large trash bags or tubs, labeling each with one of the following:

  • Trash
  • Keep
  • Donate/Sell

Things that you keep must only be kept if you can find a place to put them. Try not to hold onto too many things for no reason other than sentimentality. While it's okay to keep a few of these items, not being able to let go of some can turn you into a hoarder. Trash will obviously go straight to the dumpster. Your donate and sell piles should be items that you don't want to keep but could be of good use to another person.

Have a Garage Sale

Having a garage sale can be beneficial because not only are you getting rid of items, you are also making a little bit of money as well. However, there are a few things that can determine whether or not your garage sale is successful. For example, price your items to sell. The main objective is to get rid of items, not to make money. People go to garage sales to find a great deal, so most of your items should be priced at pennies on the dollar. Be sure you plan your garage sale in advance. Give yourself at least two weeks to plan for it, or longer if you cannot commit a lot of time to your planning. Finally, make sure your sale is organized. If you are selling clothing, organize it by size. Put a price tag on everything, or have a table where everything is the same price (and put a sign with the price on the table). When the sale is done, donate whatever doesn't sell. Putting it back in your house defeats the purpose of decluttering.

You will probably feel much better after you have decluttered your home. Your living space will look nicer, you won't be as stressed, and you likely won't have a hard time finding stuff. Go about your decluttering the right way so that you are successful.


Category: Get Ordained Marriage

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