How Newlyweds Can Best Manage Stress in the First Year of Marriage

The first year of marriage is a joyous time for most couples, but it can also be a time of stress. There are bound to be bumps along the way, and here's how to navigate them effectively as a newlywed team.

Category: Marriage


Take Time for Yourself To Keep the Romance Alive

While we all enjoy spending time with our partners, it's important to take time to yourself and practice good self-care. Developing a solid self-care routine will re-energize your body and mind in a noticable way.

Category: Marriage

self care

How To Apologize and Keep Your Marriage Strong

Knowing when and how to apologize in a marriage is an important skill to keep your relationship strong. You can't completely eliminate fights in a relationship, but you can get through them gracefully.

Category: Marriage


What You Should Know About Arranged Marriages

To many Americans, the idea of an arranged marriage is old fashioned. And while most of us likely hope for autonomy in our love lives, it's entirely possible to have a loving, caring relationship in an arranged marriage.

Category: Marriage


How To Handle Income Inequality in Your Relationship

When there's major income inequality in a relationship, it can cause serious issues. To avoid resentment or insecurity, consider shaping a budget together, diving housework equitably, and being open with communication.

Category: Marriage

money self care relationships finance

Dollars and Sense: A Quick Guide to Marriage and Money

Money may be the root of all evil, but it's also the root of many of a relationship argument. Being on the same page when it comes to finances is an important part of maintaining a healthy relationship.

Category: Marriage

money relationships finance

Last Name Considerations for LGBTQ+ Couples

For LGBTQ+ couples who are about to be married, the question of what to do about last names can be a tough one. There are a number of options - but some come with additional legal hurdles. Here's what you need to know.

Category: Marriage

wedding culture legal communication

Questions You Can Ask To Decide if You’re Ready for Marriage

Society puts pressure on couples to get married, but it's important to step back and evaluate if you're really ready for that big step. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to gauge whether that's right for you.

Category: Marriage

wedding self care morals children

Commit To Cooking With Your Partner and Find a Great Way To Connect

Cooking as a couple is a great way to strengthen your bond, save money, and improve your health. If you don't know a spatula from a colander, here's how to get started on cooking for yourself and your partner.

Category: Marriage

communication health home

A Guide To Selecting Gifts for Your Significant Other

Is your partner one of those people that's just hard to buy a gift for? Knowing how to find the perfect gift for a picky partner is an underrated and valuable skill to keeping your relationship healthy and happy.

Category: Marriage

communication relationships

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