Tying the Knot for the Right Reasons

Marriage is a big commitment, so you should take time to ensure you're getting married for the right reasons. Committing to someone on shaky ground will set a negative tone for the rest of your marriage.

Category: Marriage

communication relationships family engagement

Quick Tips for Planning Your Child’s Baptism

Baptism is a symbolic affirmation of one's faith - and for children, a cleansing of original sin and introduction to the church. But there's a lot more that goes into child baptism than one might think.

Category: Baptism

Baptism religion family children

Advice All Couples Can Benefit From

As most of us know, relationships are tough work, but the reward is worth it. Whether you're a new couple or have been married for many years, here's how to invest in, nurture, and grow your relationship.

Category: Marriage

communication self care relationships family

Teaching Your Children About Spirituality

Spirituality is an important part of life for many people - and a difficult concept for parents to explain to their children. We've got a few ways to introduce your child to the spiritual side of life

Category: Faith

religion family morals children

Alternatives to Traditional Christian Baptism

Many new parents baptize their newborn children. But if you aren't religious or don't connect with standard baptism, here are some other alternatives that many couples use to celebrate the arrival of their child.

Category: Baptism

Baptism family children

How to Plan a Funeral

After the loss of a loved one, planning a funeral may sound like the last thing you want to do. However, it is something that must be done. Here's how to navigate the specifics and come out on the other side.

Category: Funeral

funeral grief money self care family

American Divorce Rates: The Real Story Behind the Statistics

We've all heard the oft-repeated statistic that 50% of American marriages end in divorce. But the truth may shock you: divorce rates have been falling since 1980 and newer generations divorce less than older ones.

Category: Marriage

culture self care relationships family

Adoption 101: A Basic Overview

How many children are adopted each year? What is the adoption process like? What are the associated costs? If you're considering adopting a child into your family, we've got the answers to your most common questions.

Category: Society

money family home children

Keep Your Sanity While Creating Seating Arrangements With These Tips

The seating chart is one of the most underrated frustrating parts of wedding planning. From avoiding drama to simply doing the math on the number of seats, here's how to plan your wedding seating chart with ease.

Category: Wedding Planning

communication wedding venue wedding guests family wedding stress

Talking to Your Adult Kids About Your Funeral Wishes

Although it's not a pleasant thought, planning your own funeral is one of the best things you can do for your adult children. Helping them prepare financially and emotionally for your funeral is a great gift.

Category: Funeral

funeral finance family children death