Cleansing and Renewal: An Early History of Baptism

Baptism is a popular Christian ritual representing purity and spiritual cleansing. And while most Christians are most likely familiar with baptism, they might not know it's interesting and lengthy history.

Category: Baptism

Baptism family history

Giving Your Mom a Prominent Part in Your Wedding

There are a lot of wonderful ways to give your mother or your spouse's mother a prominent place in your wedding, should you so choose, from involving her in planning or walking down the aisle together. 

Category: Wedding Planning

weddings wedding guests family

Can’t Get Traditional Life Insurance? Explore These Alternatives

If you're having trouble acquiring life insurance, there are a variety of creative alternatives - including nontraditional plans and self-insurance - to ensure peace of mind for you and your family members.

Category: Funeral

money family health

Important Considerations for Queer Persons Regarding Death Preparation

No matter the age, married LGBTQ+ couples should do all of their estate planning as soon as possible. By taking care of all of the intricate details now, you're saving heartache and headaches down the road.

Category: Funeral

legal family

Ideas To Inspire Your Engagement Party Invitations

If you just got engaged, congratulations! Designing engagement party invitations is good practice for designing the actual wedding invitation. Here's how to pick a winning design that reflects your personality.

Category: Engagement

wedding invitation communication family engagement

Ideas for Supporting and Affirming Your Queer Child’s Identity and Orientation

Many parents are unsure how to support their child when they come out as LGBT to them. But there are simple things you can do to make sure that your child feels safe in their own house and their own skin.

Category: Society

family children

Assigned at Birth? Gender-Neutral Approaches To Raising Kids

Binary gender choices face children from the moment they're born. Boys toys, girls toys. Boys clothes, girls clothes. Many parents are now raising their children outside of the binary, in a gender-neutral environment.

Category: Society

culture family children

Sitting Shiva in the Age of Coronavirus

Coronavirus has impacted everything, even how the Jewish community experiences mourning. In the wake of COVID, sitting Shiva has gone online, switching to Zoom or Skype and adjusting how mourners process their loss.

Category: Loss

funeral religious ceremony religion family death

Cutting Your Wedding Guest List Due to COVID-19? Try These Great Tips

Cutting your wedding guest list down during normal times is tough, but cutting it down to essential guests only is even tougher. As COVID continues to upset summer wedding season, here's how to slim down your guest list.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding party wedding guests family

House Hunting Tips To Guide You Through the Early Stages of Married Life

Buying a home together is a big step for couples to take. And if you're on your first home-buying venture, there are a lot of things you and your new spouse need to consider, from the obvious to the subtle.

Category: Marriage

future family home