How Different Religions View Baptism

A well known ritual that often symbolizes cleansing, rebirth, and dedication to a new path, baptism is not just reserved for Christians. Water rites and rituals are practiced globally in many ways, with similar intent.

Category: Baptism Faith

Baptism religious ceremony history

Open-Air Funerals in Zoroastrianism

The Zoroastrian faith is ancient in its origins, but there are many who still practice this religion today. One of the unique practices they incorporate are open-air funerals, using dakhmas to dispose of remains.

Category: Funeral Faith

funeral religion history death

Cleansing and Renewal: An Early History of Baptism

Baptism is a popular Christian ritual representing purity and spiritual cleansing. And while most Christians are most likely familiar with baptism, they might not know it's interesting and lengthy history.

Category: Baptism

Baptism family history

A Quick Overview of Christian Baptism Throughout the Centuries

Baptism is one of the most popular religious rites in the world - millions of children are baptized each year. Baptism has a long and interesting history, from its origins in the gospels to modern day.

Category: Baptism

Baptism religion history children

Odd Origins of Some Common Wedding Traditions

From wearing something blue to freezing the cake, weddings have some pretty memorable and unique traditions. But where do they all come from? The origins of your favorite wedding traditions might surprise you.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding wedding day history tradition

Danse Macabre: Dealing With Death in the 14th Century

As we deal with COVID-19 in the present day, we can look to the past to see how our ancestors used laughter to deal with tragedy. During the plague, paintings of dancing skeletons - the dance macabre - were very popular.

Category: Funeral

culture grief history death

The Peculiar Origins of Some Commonplace Wedding Customs

We're all familiar with the most popular wedding customs, like smashing the cake or the throwing of the bouquet. But where did they come from? These and other popular wedding traditions have some surprising origins.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding cake wedding flowers history

History’s Scars: Understanding the Plantation Wedding Controversy

Southern plantations have long been a destination for weddings. Now many of the most popular wedding planning websites are banning plantations from listing on their website, citing their painful legacies of slavery.

Category: Wedding Planning Society

wedding venue history morals

Wedding Words: A Fun Historical Look Behind Everyday Expressions

"Tying the knot"? "Honeymoon"? We're all familiar with these terms, but how exactly did they come to mean what they do? Here's the surprising etymology behind some of our most common wedding words and phrases.

Category: Wedding Materials

culture communication history

4 Non-biblical Creation Stories and the Cultures that Produced Them

People throughout history have sought to explain their place and purpose in the cosmos. And that curiosity manifested itself in creation stories as unique as the cultures themselves. Here are a few from around the world.

Category: Faith

religious ceremony religion history