Long Wedding Reception TableThough planning a wedding can be stressful in and of itself, there is a special kind of frustration that comes along with creating the wedding seating chart. Perhaps this has to do with the fact that math is involved in the process. You only have so much space at each table, and this limits where you can place a person. An uneven number of people can transform a simple task into hours of struggle. Instead of losing your mind making edit after edit to your plan, it can be beneficial to explore some advice. 

Shapes and Spaces

Before you can create an arrangement that works, you need to know a few things. The size of the venue and how many people it can accommodate are two things you need to know early on. Beyond this, it helps to have an idea of the table shapes in the reception room. Some venues offer options when it comes to the size and shape of each table. This can be quite useful to have control over when you are looking for the most sensible way of arranging the room.

Some venues may also allow you the option of bringing your own tables. There are a few clever ways to maximize a room if this is a choice available to you. If you’re someone who finds the idea of communal eating appealing, then you might be able to solve your seating issue by hauling in a few long tables. A smaller wedding may be better suited for cabaret-type tables that fit groups of four. Play around with shapes and your spacing to get a good idea of what is possible.

Friends and Enemies

While you and your significant other are probably on good terms with all of the people who will be attending your wedding, there could very well be bad blood between guests. This is probably one of the more annoying factors that can come into play when you are arranging your tables. When one uncle has been feuding with an aunt for years, you may be concerned that seating them near one another is inviting trouble. Though it may be important to consider at times, you definitely don’t want to lose sleep over this.

Your guests are capable of controlling themselves. Don’t shoulder the burden of their dramas by allowing any bad blood to negatively impact the planning process. Instead, reach out to anyone you think might be a problem in advance. Speak openly with them and explain that you do not want any trouble at your wedding. This will help get everything on the proverbial table and give you some peace of mind. Plus, if anyone acts out during the event, you can politely remind them that you already spoke about this.

Ditch the Arrangement Altogether 

You may also be able to ditch the seating arrangement altogether. While having assigned wedding seating can be beneficial when you have caterers, plenty of couples are opting for alternative ways of providing food to guests. If you’re using food trucks or buffet-style meals, then just let your guests choose their own seats. It takes a lot off your shoulders and helps to create an easier experience for all. Plus, wedding guests rarely stay seated for long over the course of the night since they are busy dancing and mingling with one another.

While creating a solid wedding seating arrangement might be stressful, there are a few simple ways to minimize the frustration and see solid results. Give yourself a chance to consider all of your options in advance. Factors like the shape of the tables and the way you’re serving food can play into what works for your event.  In no time, you’ll be able to create a system that works best for the needs of everyone involved.

Category: Wedding Planning

communication wedding venue wedding guests family wedding stress

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