Things to Try Before Divorce

Let's face it; marriage is hard. No one makes it through a marriage without having a single conflict or argument. It's unrealistic to expect to have a marriage like this. What happens when your marriage goes beyond the n ...

Category: Get Ordained Ceremonies Marriage

When Your Parent Dies

Whether it's something you saw coming or something unexpected, death is a hard thing to deal with. It's so final, and you probably weren't ready to say goodbye. Losing a parent can be especially difficult. Your parent ha ...

Category: Get Ordained Marriage


Dealing With In-Laws Who Hate You

One of the interesting things about marriage is when you marry your spouse, you are marrying into his or her family as well. This can be good or bad, depending on the family. Perhaps you have known the family for a long ...

Category: Get Ordained Marriage

Tips for a Great Wedding Reception

When you think about getting married, you may become overwhelmed about all the time that is necessary for planning. There are many things to think about, and it can take months to get everything arranged. While there are ...

Category: Get Ordained Wedding Planning Marriage


Inexpensive Honeymoon Ideas

As wonderful as weddings can be, the costs add up quickly. When you are on a budget, this can make things interesting. While you may want to have the wedding of your dreams, you also have the honeymoon to think about. No ...

Category: Get Ordained Wedding Planning Marriage

perform a wedding honeymoon

Signs of a Healthy Marriage

Those who are in a healthy marriage can reap many benefits. People who are happily married often are healthier, live longer, and enjoy life more. You may be asking yourself whether or not your marriage qualifies as healt ...

Category: Get Ordained Marriage

perform a wedding

How to Survive Your Wedding Day

After months of planning and dreaming, your wedding day is here. Because you want everything to go perfectly, you might be feeling stressed or overwhelmed. You may be feeling nervous about the highly anticipated wedding ...

Category: Get Ordained Wedding Planning Ceremonies Marriage

wedding day

Important Aspects of a Successful Marriage

Marriage is a lot of work. While there are many rewards to being married to the love of your life, you have to work at it. Merging two lives into one is a challenge, and there are often adjustments that need to be made. ...

Category: Get Ordained Marriage

Three Common Newlywed Struggles and How to Get Past Them

Even when you are married to the love of your life, marriage can be difficult. Even the couple who is the most compatible for each other is going to run into issues at some point. What's important is the way you handle t ...

Category: Get Ordained Marriage

Interfaith Couples Face Special Challenges

A certain amount of stress is inherent to the planning of any big wedding, but interfaith unions pose unique challenges for couples seeking to marry their beliefs, or simply to get married with both of their families i ...

Category: Marriage