Three Common Newlywed Struggles and How to Get Past ThemEven when you are married to the love of your life, marriage can be difficult. Even the couple who is the most compatible for each other is going to run into issues at some point. What's important is the way you handle these situations. Some couples get into huge fights over how to resolve situations, while others will stay strong as a team and get through these tough times together. There are some issues that are commonly experienced by newlyweds. After all, it can be quite an adjustment to all of a sudden be sharing your life with someone else. Here are some of the most common newlywed issues and some things you can do to get past them.

No Time Alone

Unless you lived together before you were married, you are likely spending more time with each other than you ever have before. You are sleeping in the same bed, may be having dinner together every night, and probably spend time watching television together before going to bed. You may occasionally have thoughts of missing the times you were alone. Not that you don't love your spouse, but you need your space sometimes. Perhaps you are on the other end of the spectrum: You have waited for this day for a long time, and now that you are married, you want to spend every moment with your spouse. In this case, it's important to find a compromise.

While you may see each other a lot more now that you are married, it's okay to go off and do your own thing too. Maybe you need to grab a drink with your buddies. Perhaps you need a shopping date with your best friend. Just because you are married does not mean you are not allowed to hang out with anyone else again or have alone time for as long as you live. It's okay to go somewhere without your spouse once a week or so. If your spouse feels left out, encourage him or her to go do something with his or her friends, too.

Annoying Habits

For some reason, you never noticed that he always talks with food in his mouth. Maybe you are just now picking up on how she chews on her nails whenever she is making a decision. Everyone has annoying habits like these. Whether you noticed them or not before, they have likely become a big part of your reality. Sometimes, it's best to just leave it alone. You will likely adjust as time goes on, and before long, you probably won't notice the annoying trait anymore. However, if it truly is a gross habit, then try talking with your spouse. If you approach the issue in a loving and nonjudgmental way, he or she should receive it well.

Splitting the Chores

Sometimes, there can be disagreements about how you should split the chores. Perhaps the husband has been used to his mother doing everything and now wants his wife to take care of him. Maybe the wife works outside of the home and doesn't want to come home to a long list of chores every night. There are a couple of ways to resolve this:

  • If someone works outside the house while the other stays home, the one who stays home should be in charge of most chores.
  • If both of you work outside the home, figure out which chores you both enjoy and which ones you dislike. Hopefully, you will be able to come up with a schedule that works for you.

Being a newlywed is exciting, but you will likely experience challenges. Just remember to be careful how you approach any issues that arise, and you should find a resolution for most things in no time at all.

Category: Get Ordained Marriage

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