Tips for a Great Wedding ReceptionWhen you think about getting married, you may become overwhelmed about all the time that is necessary for planning. There are many things to think about, and it can take months to get everything arranged. While there are so many things to remember for your wedding day, it's important to remember your reception. While the reception may not require quite as much planning as the wedding itself, it's not something you want to overlook. Here are some tips for having a great wedding reception.

Plan as Much as Possible

Think about all of your plans for your reception before the wedding. Decide on your centerpieces, what kind of cake you want, and how you want to arrange seating. Figure out your music, your dance schedule, and your décor. Make all of these decisions well in advance, and make sure you have all the supplies you need. You don't want to be scrambling hours before your wedding, trying to get your reception set up. In fact, you should leave yourself no work whatsoever on your wedding day.

Set a Timeline

There shouldn't be a long period of time between the wedding and the reception. You don't want to leave your guests waiting and risk them leaving early because they aren't sure what to do. For this reason, it's a good idea to set a general timeline of when you want events to occur. If there are pictures you are planning on taking between the wedding and reception, this should help keep you and the photographer on track. You may also want to create a timeline for the reception itself. While this doesn't have to be strictly followed, it's a good idea to help you stay on schedule.

Don't Plan an Endless Number of Events

Yes, it's important to plan as much as possible. You don't want to forget any of the details. However, you don't want to schedule too many events in your reception. It's likely going to be full of different dances, a bouquet toss, and more. Filling it too much can make it overwhelming and stressful. Not only that, but you are going to want to have time to interact with your guests and enjoy your reception without having a plan for every minute.

Figure Out Your Music

While it's a good idea to give your DJ a list of songs you like and songs to avoid, you don't want to limit him or her to a specific list of songs. Don't be afraid to give the DJ a little bit of freedom. You may find a song you never knew about or hear a song you had forgotten about. Plus, this gives the DJ a chance to show his or her ability without being tied down to a specific list of wants.

Watch Your Budget

Weddings add up very quickly, so you want to make sure you are staying on budget. It can be tempting to go all out without paying any attention to money, but you will probably regret that decision later. Set a budget and do everything you can to stick to it. This may mean you have to make some small sacrifices and get creative on some things, but you will thank yourself when you receive the bill.


Most importantly, try to relax. Don't freak out if something goes wrong. Try to roll with the punches. This is your wedding day, and you are only going to experience it once. Even if everything doesn't go according to plan, remember that in the end, it won't matter.

When it comes to planning your reception, don't forget to:

  • Plan everything ahead of time
  • Set a schedule and stick to it
  • Don't forget free time
  • Stick to your budget

This can help avoid stress on your wedding day. It can also help ensure everyone has a great time.

Category: Get Ordained Wedding Planning Marriage


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