Grief Etiquette in the COVID-19 Age

Losing a loved one during COVID-19 can make a tough time even more difficult. The memorial industry, like most others, has been been changed by coronavirus.  And so too have etiquette norms for the bereaved.

Category: Loss

funeral grief self care family

COVID-19 and Domestic Violence: What You Need To Know

A sad reality of coronavirus is that domestic violence is on the rise as victims end up involuntarily quarantined with their abusers. But there are various resources available for victims and allies alike.

Category: Society

self care relationships morals

Coupling During COVID-19: Smart Tips for Making It Work

Living together as a couple can be difficult, but COVID-19 has taken that to the next level. Sharing space with someone 24 hours a day can strain even the best relationships; Here's how to get through together.

Category: Marriage Society

culture self care relationships

Feel Cozy and Live the Hygge Lifestyle With These Tips

One way to unwind at home is the hygge lifestyle, a technique developed by the Danish that promotes comfort and coziness in the home. If you're stressed out from quarantine, consider making these changes and get hygge.

Category: Society

culture self care home

Social Distancing and Grief: Funerals in the Age of Coronavirus

COVID-19 quarantine has upended the funeral business. That makes the grieving process even more difficult, but death care workers are coming up with alternative ways for mourners to celebrate the departed's life.

Category: Funeral

funeral grief self care death

Going Insane Stuck Inside With Your Partner? Consider These Streaming Services

As most of are quarantined inside due to COVID-19, online streaming services are seeing a major boost in traffic. Here are some of the best, from specialty services specializing in specific genres to the heavy hitters.

Category: Technology

culture self care

Handling Loneliness After a Loved One Passes Away

Dealing with the loneliness you feel after the loss of a loved one is a difficult task. It's easy to make excuses to engage in destructive behaviors. Here are some ways to stay healthy as you process your grief.

Category: Loss

funeral self care death

Stay Healthy While at Home With These Daily Habits

Your regular health and wellness routine is easily disrupted when stuck in quarantine. But it doesn't have to be. Establishing patterns and setting goals are great ways to stay healthy while cooped up.

Category: Society

culture self care health

Secrets of Successful Cohabitation

Cohabitation is a huge step in a relationship. And like most big things in life, there are bound to be growing pains. Here are steps you and your partner can take to ensure your move-in goes smoothly.

Category: Society

culture communication self care relationships

Stuck at Home? Consider These Activities With Your Partner

If you're in social isolation with just you and your significant other in your home, you need to find healthy ways to cohabitate. Here are a few things you can do to stay sane and stay happy while cooped up indoors.

Category: Society

culture self care health home