Smart Tips for Your 2021 Wedding Gift Registry

Putting together your wedding registry is often one of the high points of the wedding planning process. However, it's easy to overthink. Cut the stress with this simple guide on putting together a registry in 2021.

Category: Wedding Materials

wedding gifts wedding registry finance

Plan Your Wedding on a Budget With These Tips

Managing a wedding budget can be a confusing ordeal, and it might seem like there's nowhere to cut costs and get the wedding you want. But a few frugal changes can save you money without much compromise.

Category: Wedding Planning

money finance wedding stress

Prioritize Your Wedding Budget in a Way That Helps You Breathe

Wedding budgets are always a balancing act between wants and needs, and it's all too easy to let the stress get the better of you. Here's how to balance the budget in as stress-free a manner as possible.

Category: Wedding Materials

wedding day money finance

A Quick Guide to Your 2021 Wedding Budget

Planning a wedding and want to know what budgets look like in the COVID era? Thankfully, they're a bit lower than years past. Here's how the typical budget breaks down, including COVID-related safety precautions.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding money finance wedding vendors

Hosting a DIY Baby Shower Without Losing Your Mind

Putting together a DIY baby shower isn't as difficult as you might think. From decorations to the food, there are simple and sensible ways to cut costs and deliver a beautiful baby shower on a slim budget.

Category: Ceremonies

money finance children

The Poor Man’s Will: A Sound Estate Planning Strategy?

With COVID-19 turning life upside down, many are revising their wills just in case the worst happens. And some are turning to "poor man's wills" to avoid expenses. Here's why that might not be the best idea.

Category: Society

communication finance family

How To Track How Much You’re Spending on Your Wedding

It's important to set a wedding budget and stick to it so that your wedding costs don't balloon out of control. Use tracking tools to manage all your wedding-related expenses to keep surprises to a minimum.

Category: Wedding Planning

money communication finance wedding vendors

Tips for Dealing With Pressure From Loved Ones When Wedding Planning

Planning a wedding is an exciting and stressful time. Despite your best attempts, you might find your or your partner's family pushing or pulling you one way or another. Manage that wedding pressure with these tips.

Category: Wedding Planning

self care finance family wedding stress

The Low-Down on Life Insurance

Shopping for life insurance, or even understanding all the terms and legal language, can be a confusing ordeal. Here's your guide to life insurance, so you can square that away and plan for your family's future.

Category: Loss

legal finance health death

Easy Cuts That Make a Big Difference To Your Wedding Budget

Are you feeling the pain from an ever-expanding wedding budget? It doesn't have to be so expensive, and you can reign in the spending with a few practical decisions that will save you some serious cash.

Category: Wedding Materials

money finance wedding vendors