Should You Delay Your Honeymoon?

Many couples schedule their honeymoon for shortly after their wedding. But all that whirlwind planning can leave you exhausted and with no time to unwind. Consider delaying your honeymoon a bit for relaxation's sake. 

Category: Wedding Planning

honeymoon self care finance

Beyond the Bling: Diamond Rings and Their Gorgeous Alternatives

Diamond rings are the traditional choice for a wedding ring- But millennials are rejecting diamonds for a number of reasons and looking for alternatives. Why are diamonds the standard, and what other options are there?

Category: Wedding Materials

culture money finance engagement ring

A Viral Bridal Blunder Illustrates the Need for a Wedding Budget

Planning a wedding is a costly affair, no doubt about it. When you're setting your wedding budget, make sure to set aside enough to pay all of your vendors. And yes, that includes your wedding photographer!

Category: Wedding Materials

wedding day money communication finance wedding vendors

Wedding Traditions That Have Changed Ever So Slightly

Everyone knows the most common wedding traditions- but have they always been the way they are now? You'll be surprised at how some of your favorite wedding traditions have evolved throughout the years.

Category: Wedding Planning

weddings wedding party finance wedding cake family

Working an Open Bar Around Your Budget

Many couples love the idea of an open bar at their wedding, but worry about the expense. If you're worried about the cost of such a luxury, follow these tips and you can have your booze and drink it too!

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding day receptions money finance

Should Pastors Have Luxury Items?

Mega Church pastors often come under fire for their high salaries, extravagant purchases, and use of private jets. Does their excessive wealth come with God's blessing or should church leaders face closer scrutiny?

Category: Society Church

minister culture money legal finance

Getting Married? Pay Attention to These Income Tax Details

An oft-overlooked part of getting married is the effect on your income tax. Can you claim a deduction for wedding expenses? Are cash gifts taxable? Know how your wedding will impact your tax liability to avoid surprises.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding gifts wedding attire finance

Ask Yourself These Questions When Budgeting for Your Big Day

When looking at your estimated wedding expenses, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. And while you can't wave a magic wand to lighten the load, you can shrewdly budget. In this case, a bit of planning goes a long way.

Category: Wedding Planning

money communication finance family

Wedding Finance 101: Bankrolling Your Big Day

Wedding costs are front and center on many nearlyweds' minds. If you're looking to discreetly lower costs and stay in the green on your big day, consider these simple yet effective cost-cutting strategies.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding day money communication finance