Wedding Budget GraphicNo one ever said a wedding was going to be an inexpensive affair. In fact, the exact opposite is often true. When you make the decision to tie the knot, you are taking your first steps in a direction that can easily cost you a lot of money. Since you definitely don’t want to blow through all of your savings for one party, it is a good idea to focus on how you plan to pay for the whole event and to know the exact amount of your wedding expenses. A little bit of preparation can go a long way when it comes to making a solid budget.

While there might not be a way to magically make your wedding cost less than you’d like, there are preliminary steps that can set you in the right direction. Consider asking yourself these questions and see how the answers help shape the way you budget for your big day.

Who Will Make Financial Contributions?

There are many traditions surrounding who pays for what part of a wedding. In order for you to know how much money you and your partner are going to have to put toward the event, you have to figure out if any relatives will be contributing to the costs. This can be a tricky conversation, especially if you haven’t spoken to any of your relatives yet about the idea of helping pay for the event. Though it might feel awkward, it is best to just come right out and have the discussion.

Depending on your family, you may discover that certain relatives are already planning on helping pay for specific parts of your wedding. Perhaps you have an aunt who really wants to pay for the floral arrangements because she has a friend who owns a flower shop. Take up any offers that can take some of the financial burdens off you and your significant other.

How Much Are Your Wedding Expenses?

After getting a general idea of who can help you pay for the wedding, you are going to need to figure out how much you think it’s going to cost. While you probably won’t have an exact number, it can help to have a ballpark figure to work within the earliest days after your engagement. Try to be as exact as you can, as a concrete number that falls close to what you’ll actually be spending gives you an easy goal to work toward.

While it is not necessary, many couples find it useful to open a bank account for the purpose of saving. A joint account can provide you and your significant other with an easy place to make deposits and watch your savings grow. If your wedding is far enough down the line, you may even be able to see some minor perks from opening an account through the right institution.

Do not forget to include considerations for things like tips for the caterers, photographers, and any other staff. Also, remember that your minister is also a staff member for your big day. Ministers will often charge $500 or more to officiate your big day. Be sure to ask about these costs before the wedding day to avoid a fiasco. And remember that ministers and many others will want to be paid up-front or on the day of the event so have the payment ready.

Would You Use Secondhand Décor?

Another great way to set your initial budget is by making the decision to go for used or recycled materials for your event. When couples finish with their wedding décor, many decide to resell the pieces in order to make back a bit of what they initially spent. You and your significant other can take advantage of this and get some amazing décor for a fraction of the cost. You may not have total control over what you discover, but you’ll definitely appreciate the savings.

Paying for your wedding can be a costly experience. Still, there are a number of efficient ways to save money throughout the process. In order to keep yourself financially stable, take time to look over your budget and consider additional ways to cut costs or find better rates on essentials. The more research you do, the easier it will be to find a plan that will deliver the perfect event without draining your bank accounts in the process.

Category: Wedding Planning

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