How to Include Children From Previous Relationships in a Wedding

In many weddings today, one or both parties have children from prior relationships. Often, couples want to incorporate their children into the wedding. Here are a few ways for your children to participate in the big day.

Category: Wedding Planning

receptions communication family children

Wedding Topics to Avoid on Social Media

Planning your wedding? You're probably excited to share some of the details on social media. But there are also probably some topics you should avoid. If you want to keep the peace and avoid drama, follow these tips.

Category: Wedding Planning

communication finance social media engagement

Is Your Spouse Too Controlling of You?

Toxic relationships don't begin and end with physical or mental abuse. Some begin with controlling behavior, like policing your time or limiting your contact with others. Here are signs you may have a controlling spouse.

Category: Marriage Society

communication self care relationships morals counseling

How To Construct a Funeral Program

After the death of a loved one, you may be tasked with organizing the funeral. If you're at a loss at where to begin, take a look at this guide on organizing a beautiful, touching, and heartfelt funeral service.

Category: Funeral

funeral grief communication family

Watch Your Words: What Not To Say When Someone’s Grieving

When someone you care for is grieving, it can be hard to find the right words. You may say something that can cause further grief, instead of support. Here are a few things not to say to someone who's experienced loss.

Category: Loss

funeral grief communication self care family

Premarital Counseling and You: Understanding Your Options

Many believe that counseling is only for couples whose relationship is on the rocks. But what many don't know is that premarital counseling can give couples a great foundation to build their marriage on.

Category: Engagement

culture communication self care family counseling

Relax Before Your Big Day With a Game Night

Tired and stressed from all the wedding planning? Hosting a game night for family and friends is a great way to unwind and clear your head. Here are a few tips for hosting a fun, crowd-pleasing gathering.

Category: Engagement

culture communication family

Joint Bank Accounts and Other Post-Wedding Financial Considerations

Before the wedding, couples need to have that age-old discussion of whether or not to open a joint bank account. Knowing the level of financial entanglement you'd both like will save you headaches down the line.

Category: Marriage

money communication relationships finance

Tips for Battling Guest List Anxiety

Putting together a wedding guest list can be difficult, particularly deciding on the ideal number of invitees and making tough cuts. Check out this guide on getting your perfect guest list, headache free.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding invitation communication relationships wedding guests wedding stress

Don’t Make These Common Wedding Invitation Mistakes

Many couples dream of having a perfectly designed, beautiful wedding invitation. However, sometimes couples choose designs that are pretty, but not functional. Learn how to avoid common wedding invitation pitfalls here.

Category: Wedding Planning

weddings wedding invitation communication

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