Responsibilities You Can Delegate on Your Big Day

There are a lot of responsibilities to take care of on the wedding day, and the couple will hardly have time to take care of it all. Here's how, and what, you can safely delegate to the wedding party or family members.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding party wedding guests family

Wedding Favors That Are Perfect for Autumn

Are you so obsessed with autumn that you're getting married during it? Share your love of all things fall with your wedding guests with these creative and cool wedding favor ideas that exemplify the fall season.

Category: Wedding Planning

receptions wedding gifts wedding party wedding guests

Tips for Bridesmaids During the COVID-19 Pandemic

If you've been a bridesmaid, then you know that that role can have a lot of unforeseen responsibilities. In COVID, you're probably dealing with even more. Here's how to be a good bridesmaid in our difficult times.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding wedding day wedding party wedding guests

Cutting Your Wedding Guest List Due to COVID-19? Try These Great Tips

Cutting your wedding guest list down during normal times is tough, but cutting it down to essential guests only is even tougher. As COVID continues to upset summer wedding season, here's how to slim down your guest list.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding party wedding guests family

A New Normal? What You Should Know About Wedding Planning in 2020

If your wedding is set for summer of 2020, you're most likely unsure exactly what your wedding day will look like. Whether you're keeping your date, pushing it back, or livestreaming, safety will be the biggest concern.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding receptions wedding party wedding stress

Tips for Preparing a Great Best Man Speech

If you've been asked to perform the best man speech at a wedding, you might be understandably nervous. Follow these tips to ensure that you deliver a great and heartfelt speech that will wow the audience.

Category: Wedding Planning

receptions wedding party wedding guests

Creating Bachelor and Bachelorette Experiences for Modern Times

When people think of bachelor and bachelorette parties, certain stereotypes come to mind. But you can totally do things your own way. Here are some tips on making the most of your bachelor or bachelorette party.

Category: Engagement

culture wedding party bachelor party engagement

Wedding Readings 101: A Simplified Guide

Poems, lyrics, book passages- the options for your wedding reading are nearly endless- and endlessly daunting. Here are some tips on how to pick a wedding reading that means a lot to you and your future spouse.

Category: Wedding Planning

receptions communication wedding party wedding guests

What To Avoid in Your Wedding Toast

If you're asked to give a wedding toast, you may be wondering where to even start. When giving a wedding toast, there are a lot more don'ts than do's. Here are the topics to avoid when you're toasting to new love.

Category: Wedding Materials

wedding party relationships wedding guests wedding stress

A Quick Guide to Dealing With Your Wedding Party

One under-reported stressor of brides and grooms everywhere is their wedding party. From personality clashes to money squabbles, having the wrong people can really rain on your parade. Here's how to deal with the drama.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding day wedding party wedding attire wedding stress

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