Unusual Funeral Customs From Around the World

Nearly every culture on the planet holds funerals for the deceased, but some mourning customs might seem downright strange to those outside that civilization. Here are some unique traditions from across the globe.

Category: Funeral

funeral grief tradition

A Checklist of Steps To Follow After a Loved One Passes

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is always tough. Nevertheless, there's still business to attend to, from funeral arrangements to notifying others. At a loss of what to do after a loss? Follow this checklist.

Category: Funeral Loss

funeral grief self care

How To Plan a Fitting Memorial for the Departed

The one-year anniversary after the death of a loved one is always a difficult date to handle emotionally. As you grieve, think about ways to pay tribute to your departed loved one with a beutiful memorial.

Category: Funeral Loss

culture grief death

Danse Macabre: Dealing With Death in the 14th Century

As we deal with COVID-19 in the present day, we can look to the past to see how our ancestors used laughter to deal with tragedy. During the plague, paintings of dancing skeletons - the dance macabre - were very popular.

Category: Funeral

culture grief history death

Dying as They Lived: Unique Funerals Through History

While funerals are typically a somber time of quiet reflection, they don't have to be if the departed didn't want theirs to be. Here are some celebrity funerals that were creative tributes to those who passed.

Category: Funeral

cremation funeral grief

The Call for Compassion in the Age of COVID-19

In the age of COVID, many of us are anxious about our health, our loved ones, even the economy. Practicing empathy and compassion towards your fellow humans will help all of us get through this pandemic together.

Category: Loss

funeral culture grief communication self care

Grief Etiquette in the COVID-19 Age

Losing a loved one during COVID-19 can make a tough time even more difficult. The memorial industry, like most others, has been been changed by coronavirus.  And so too have etiquette norms for the bereaved.

Category: Loss

funeral grief self care family

Social Distancing and Grief: Funerals in the Age of Coronavirus

COVID-19 quarantine has upended the funeral business. That makes the grieving process even more difficult, but death care workers are coming up with alternative ways for mourners to celebrate the departed's life.

Category: Funeral

funeral grief self care death

Grief, Faith, and Coronavirus: How the Pandemic Has Changed End-of-Life Religious Practices

With stay-at-home orders in place due to coronavirus, end-of-life practices have received a drastic upheaval. Religious officials from almost every faith are finding creative ways to offer end-of-life care.

Category: Funeral Loss

culture grief death

Helping a Grieving Loved One

Helping a loved one through the grieving process can be a seriously trying time - for you and them. Understanding grief is key to providing the appropriate love and care to someone suffering such a painful loss.

Category: Loss

grief communication self care death