Asking the Right Questions of Your Officiant

There are a lot of details to consider when putting together your wedding. While a lot of attention is going to be paid to the reception, you also need to think through your ceremony. Since this is the part of your big d ...

Category: Wedding Planning Perform a Wedding

wedding officiant minister wedding day legal

Attending a Christening? Observe These Etiquette Tips

In many Christian sects, christening is one of the first significant events in someone’s life. While christenings are typically held when the person is an infant, they’re ceremonies infused with meaning for b ...

Category: Ceremonies Church

minister Baptism religious ceremony

Unique Funeral Ceremonies of Different Religions

Every single major religion throughout history has placed huge significance on dying and what comes after death. Whether a religion believes in an afterlife or reincarnation, each religion has guidelines for how to condu ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral Ceremonies

minister funeral culture grief

Officiating a Wedding? Don't Forget These Essentials

If your friends have asked you to officiate their wedding, you’ll be playing a very special role in their celebration of love and happiness. You're probably excited, nervous and unsure about where to even start you ...

Category: Get Ordained Perform a Wedding

wedding officiant perform a wedding become ordained minister

Avoiding Common Wedding Planning Mistakes

If you've ever been involved in a wedding, you probably know things don't always go according to plan. Sometimes it's not a big deal, but there are times when the wedding party has had to get creative to figure out how t ...

Category: Get Ordained Wedding Planning

wedding minister

Yikes! I’ve Been Asked to Perform a Wedding!

Here is the scene: Your two best friends, who never do anything like anyone else, have surprised everyone by deciding to get married. And why not, now that they can? Of course, it will be a wedding like no other, and the ...

Category: Get Ordained Wedding Planning Perform a Wedding Become Ordained

perform a wedding minister

Getting Ordained for a Wedding

Online Ordination: The Fastest Way to Legally Wed If your best friend or beloved family member has asked you to preside over their ceremony, getting legally certified can be quick and stress-free. With today's technolog ...

Category: Get Ordained Minister License Perform a Wedding Become Ordained

wedding minister

Will there be Female Bishops in England by the End of 2014?

While there are some developing countries that do not even ordain women as priests, there are other countries that have already begun ordaining them as bishops. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States all r ...

Category: Get Ordained


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