Commit To Cooking With Your Partner and Find a Great Way To Connect

Cooking as a couple is a great way to strengthen your bond, save money, and improve your health. If you don't know a spatula from a colander, here's how to get started on cooking for yourself and your partner.

Category: Marriage

communication health home

Stay Healthy While at Home With These Daily Habits

Your regular health and wellness routine is easily disrupted when stuck in quarantine. But it doesn't have to be. Establishing patterns and setting goals are great ways to stay healthy while cooped up.

Category: Society

culture self care health

Stuck at Home? Consider These Activities With Your Partner

If you're in social isolation with just you and your significant other in your home, you need to find healthy ways to cohabitate. Here are a few things you can do to stay sane and stay happy while cooped up indoors.

Category: Society

culture self care health home

A Guide To Postponing Your Wedding

Whether it's due to illness or a mandatory coronavirus quarantine, postponing your wedding is not a fun decision. If you're in this situation, here are the steps you need to take and how to make the most of it.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding day communication wedding guests health wedding stress

Best Practices for Newlyweds

When you get married, it's easy to fall into bad habits out of comfort or ease. But it's important to keep focused on healthy habits like proper sleep, socializing, and regular exercise after marriage.

Category: Marriage

communication self care relationships health

The Wedding Weight Loss Trap: Body Image, Anxiety, and Disordered Eating

Many brides-and-grooms-to-be want to look their very best on their wedding day. But when trying to lose weight, too many get roped into yo-yo diets or develop body image problems. Here's how to take care of yourself.

Category: Society

culture self care appearance health

Tackle Your Fitness Goals as a Couple

Regular exercise is important for your general health- why not try it with your significant other? Working out together can take your relationship to the next level, as you accomplish your fitness goals together.

Category: Society

self care relationships appearance health

Can’t Wear Your Wedding Ring? You Could Have a Metal Allergy

Finding out you have a metal allergy to your brand new wedding ring is annoying if not downright frustrating. Fortunately, whether you're shopping for a ring or already have one, there are ways to prevent the problem.

Category: Wedding Materials

wedding attire engagement ring health

Plant-Based Wedding Food: How To Make It Work in 2020

As plant-based diets grow in popularity, one of 2020's hottest wedding trends will be serving a plant-based menu at the reception. Here's how to have a vegan or vegetarian menu that your wedding guests will rave about.

Category: Wedding Planning

receptions wedding vendors health

How To Avoid Outlawing Grief

'Outlawed grief' is when one person makes another feel their grief is unwelcome. Even the best-intentioned turns of phrase can cause harm. Avoiding outlawing grief will keep those in mourning from feeling like a burden.

Category: Loss

grief communication self care health death