Retying the Knot: Things To Consider When You Remarry
If you're getting married for a second or third time, you may think you know everything about married life. However, getting remarried has its own set of complications. Avoid trouble in the future with these tips.
Category: Marriage
Things That Determine Your Chances of Divorce
A healthy marriage requires a lot of work, and unfortunately, nearly half of them don't work out in the end. While the following factors all increase your likelihood of divorce, they are not the final word.
Category: Marriage
Who Will Care for Your Pets After You Pass Away?
For most of us, the thought of passing before our trusted pet companions is unfathomable. Yet, it can happen. To ensure your pet is taken care of properly, you should have a plan in place for this scenario.
Category: Loss
Tips for Choosing Godparents for Your Child
Choosing your children's godparents is a very big decision- This is a person that you'll trust to help raise your children. Here are some tips on how to select the right individual for this important duty.
Category: Society
Your First Steps to Planning a Same-Gender Wedding
Same-gender weddings are legal in all 50 states, but they do come with their own set of special circumstances. From deciding on clothing to vetting vendors, follow these tips to ensure your wedding is flawless!
Category: Wedding Planning
Should Pastors Have Luxury Items?
Mega Church pastors often come under fire for their high salaries, extravagant purchases, and use of private jets. Does their excessive wealth come with God's blessing or should church leaders face closer scrutiny?
Service Animals and Your Wedding: What You Need To Know
If you're inviting a friend or family member who uses a service animal to your wedding, you'll need to do a little extra planning to ensure that you're accommodating them properly and that the venue is fully accessible.
Category: Wedding Planning
The Lowdown on Marriage Licenses: What To Know Before You Apply
The marriage license is the official piece of paper that makes you legally married. Some people find this daunting, but don't worry! Receiving, signing, and turning in the license is simple with a few easy tips.
Category: Wedding Planning
Religion and Work - What’s Professional and What Isn’t?
For the faithful, balancing religion and the workplace can be tough. Many people do not know what is an appropriate display of one's faith at work and what steps over the line into inappropriate conduct.
Category: Faith
Is It Time to Pull the Catholic Church's Tax Exempt Status?
Churches receive tax-exempt status so they can serve their community with fewer financial restrictions. But with recent reports of rampant abuse in the Catholic Church, is it time to pull their tax-exempt status?