Living Trusts and Probate: What You Need To Know

Don't take your finances for granted, create a living trust and a will to ensure that all of your affairs, finances, and your estate are handled to your satisfaction and the manner you desire after you're gone.

Category: Loss

money legal death estate planning

Using the Start of the Year To Remember Those You’ve Lost

Losing someone close to you is always a difficult experience. Here are some ways you can use the changing of the year to mourne in a healthy and reflective way, and process your grief into positive memories.

Category: Loss

grief communication self care death

A Few Common Misconceptions About Funerals

When it comes to burying a loved one, there are definitely traditions in every culture. But that doesn't mean you have to follow them. Keep in mind that while death is complicated, the funeral doesn't have to be.

Category: Funeral

funeral tradition death

The Low-Down on Life Insurance

Shopping for life insurance, or even understanding all the terms and legal language, can be a confusing ordeal. Here's your guide to life insurance, so you can square that away and plan for your family's future.

Category: Loss

legal finance health death

Under 40? Consider Planning for Long-Term Care Now

If you're a young person, you might think that long-term care is a consideration for another day. But even if you're in your 30s or 40s, it's a good idea to begin planning for your future and your health now.

Category: Society

self care health death

How To Plan a Fitting Memorial for the Departed

The one-year anniversary after the death of a loved one is always a difficult date to handle emotionally. As you grieve, think about ways to pay tribute to your departed loved one with a beutiful memorial.

Category: Funeral Loss

culture grief death

Danse Macabre: Dealing With Death in the 14th Century

As we deal with COVID-19 in the present day, we can look to the past to see how our ancestors used laughter to deal with tragedy. During the plague, paintings of dancing skeletons - the dance macabre - were very popular.

Category: Funeral

culture grief history death

Estate Planning: Why Same-Sex Couples Need To Act Now

Same-sex partners who are cohabitating but not married should seriously consider creating end-of-life documents, even if they are young. Unfortunately, same-sex couples do not enjoy legal protections afforded others.

Category: Loss

legal finance death

Sitting Shiva in the Age of Coronavirus

Coronavirus has impacted everything, even how the Jewish community experiences mourning. In the wake of COVID, sitting Shiva has gone online, switching to Zoom or Skype and adjusting how mourners process their loss.

Category: Loss

funeral religious ceremony religion family death

Embalming: An Ancient Art in Modern Times

Embalming is one of those things we know gets done, but we rarely think about. From its ancient origins to its popularization in America after the death of President Lincoln, it has a rather interesting history.

Category: Funeral

cremation funeral death