Interesting Myths Surrounding the Origin of Death

Death has long been a complicated concept for humankind to grasp. Though inevitable, every person must go on his or her own journey to come to terms with the concept.

Category: Universal Life Church


Dysfunctional Family? This Estate Planning Advice Can Help

Estate planning can be difficult under the best of circumstances. But having a dysfunctional family makes things even more difficult. Nonetheless, you can protect your family's future with a few easy steps.

Category: Funeral

funeral family death

Consider These Tips To Create an Appropriate Funeral Tribute

Finding the proper words to give for a funeral tribute is easier said than done. But by remembering the good times with the departed and speaking from the heart, you'll find the right words for your funeral speech.

Category: Funeral

funeral death

Tips for Writing Your Own Obituary

Writing your own obituary is something many dread, but they don't have to. Consider it an opportunity to eulogize yourself and a chance to remember the moments of your life, and the people, that mattered most.

Category: Funeral


Finding Your Focus After the Death of a Loved One

The death of a close friend or family member is always difficult, and we all handle grief differently. There are some common experiences, though. Here's how to cope with a difficult loss and get back on your feet.

Category: Loss

funeral grief death

Living Trusts and Probate: What You Need To Know

Don't take your finances for granted, create a living trust and a will to ensure that all of your affairs, finances, and your estate are handled to your satisfaction and the manner you desire after you're gone.

Category: Loss

money legal death estate planning

Using the Start of the Year To Remember Those You’ve Lost

Losing someone close to you is always a difficult experience. Here are some ways you can use the changing of the year to mourne in a healthy and reflective way, and process your grief into positive memories.

Category: Loss

grief communication self care death

A Few Common Misconceptions About Funerals

When it comes to burying a loved one, there are definitely traditions in every culture. But that doesn't mean you have to follow them. Keep in mind that while death is complicated, the funeral doesn't have to be.

Category: Funeral

funeral tradition death

The Low-Down on Life Insurance

Shopping for life insurance, or even understanding all the terms and legal language, can be a confusing ordeal. Here's your guide to life insurance, so you can square that away and plan for your family's future.

Category: Loss

legal finance health death

Under 40? Consider Planning for Long-Term Care Now

If you're a young person, you might think that long-term care is a consideration for another day. But even if you're in your 30s or 40s, it's a good idea to begin planning for your future and your health now.

Category: Society

self care health death