How To Make Some Fast Cash Before Your Big Day

When it comes to the question of wedding funding, you might be a bit nervous. Between venues, clothes, and vendors, prices can rise quickly! Here are a few creative ways to pump up your income prior to the big day.

Category: Wedding Planning

money finance work

4 Benefits of Planning Your Own Funeral

Planning your own funeral has emerged as a trend in recent years. From saving your loved ones money to customizing your own service, here are a few reasons why you should consider planning your own funeral service.

Category: Funeral

cremation funeral grief money self care

Ways to Show Love to Your Spouse

Whether your marriage is flying high or going through a rough patch, showing affection to your significant other is a great idea. From giving gifts to holding hands, here are some great tips to show love to your spouse.

Category: Marriage

future communication self care relationships

How to Keep a Baby Calm During a Baptism

For many parents, getting their baby baptized is an important spiritual ceremony. But babies can become confused or upset during the ceremony. Check out these tips to minimize fussing and crying from the little one.

Category: Baptism

religion family children

Helping a Newly Single Parent

If you have a friend who has become a single parent unexpectedly, you may want to help them get through the trying time. From picking up groceries to helping out with the laundry, here are some ways to assist.

Category: Loss

grief communication self care

6 Unique Ways to Honor a Deceased Loved One

If you've recently lost a loved one, you may be looking for creative ways to honor the deceased. From creating jewelry to planting a memorial tree, here are some unique ways to remember your loved one for years to come.

Category: Loss

cremation funeral grief self care

Getting Married Because of Pregnancy

Previous generations often saw couples get married because of pregnancy. But that is less common now. If you've found yourself unexpectedly pregnant, consider whether marriage is the correct choice for you and your baby.

Category: Marriage Society

culture future self care family children

How to Help a Child Through Losing a Parent

Losing a parent is never easy. The loss can be especially difficult for children under 18 to understand. Here are a few tips to help your little one (and yourself) make it through that difficult experience.

Category: Loss

funeral grief self care relationships family

Is Yoga Dangerous for Christians?

Yoga is generally regarded as a great way to get fit. However, some Christian leaders are taking issue with the exercise's origins in Hindu philosophy. Does yoga, as one pastor says, open you up to demonic influence?

Category: Society

culture self care religion

How Christenings Have Changed Since You Were Christened

Christenings have changed over the years. People are less religious than in the past, christenings gowns are not as popular, and christenings are more casual than years past. Here are some other ways they've changed.

Category: Baptism

culture Baptism religious ceremony family

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