Selecting the Best Wedding Venue

Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life. Once you have become engaged to the love of your life, your life has likely become a whirlwind of decision making and you may have a hectic schedule. Thi ...

Category: Wedding Planning Ceremonies


Finding Your Perfect Match

Most people have the desire in life to find the perfect match for them. It's a natural desire for men and women to want partners to have by their side for better or for worse. However, since nearly half of all marriage ...

Category: Get Ordained

Proper Baptism Etiquette

Being dedicated or baptized at birth or even at a later time in life is a common practice in religion. The practice dates back to Biblical times; even Jesus was baptized. Generally, a dedication is when parents dedicat ...

Category: Get Ordained Baptism

Cremation Up Among People Who Eschew Organized Religion

More and more people are choosing cremation funeral urn on white background The Cremation Association of North America has noticed an interesting trend. In the past 15 years, the cremation rate has doubled, most clea ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral Ceremonies

cremation funeral

Common Misconceptions About Your Wedding Budget

Your wedding day is one of the most important and special days of your life and most likely the day you spend the most time planning for. There are many things you have to think about, and the to-do list seems to never ...

Category: Get Ordained


A $320 Wedding Followed By Years of Debt

By all accounts, it was a beautiful wedding. There was chicken and rice for 40 and a great local band. Guests dressed in their finery and celebrated the whole day through. At the end of a happy day, Kamala Rani of Bang ...

Category: Get Ordained


Fulfilling a Last Wish - the AWF

Make-A-Wish is a well known foundation that seeks to deliver spectacular, or at least memorable, experiences for children who are dying. Through the charity, kids swim with dolphins, play major league ball, and play ou ...

Category: Get Ordained

You Need Cancel Your Wedding, Now What?

There is a moment of truth for many people shortly before their wedding, wherein they wonder if they are doing the right thing. The old phrase for this feeling used to be "cold feet," and it was most often chalked up t ...

Category: Wedding Planning Ceremonies

What to Discuss Before the Wedding

For some people, one of the best things about planning a big event is that it is so fabulously distracting. The weeks before a wedding, for example, can get so jam-packed with activities and tasks that there is limited ...

Category: Get Ordained Wedding Planning


Goats Head Up Congressional Cemetery Maintenance Crew

In 1997, the Congressional Cemetery on Capitol Hill landed a spot on the National Trust for Historic Preservation's list of endangered historic sites. The resting place of famed composer John Phillip Sousa, as well as ...

Category: Get Ordained