Tips for Throwing a Bridal ShowerWhen you are the maid of honor, you have a lot on your plate. The bride is counting on you to do a lot for her wedding, and the pressure is on. While it can be a nerve-racking experience, it's important to remember that you are here for a reason. The bride loves you, whether you are her sister or best friend, and she trusts that you will do great. Chances are, this trust is not displaced. Still, you probably want everything to go perfectly.

One of the things you will need to do is plan a bridal shower. There are so many different things you can do at a bridal shower, so don't be afraid to get creative. If you have no idea where to start, here are some tips for throwing a bridal shower without experiencing a lot of stress.

Find a Theme

Things are always more fun when you have a theme. Plus, a theme makes the planning portion much easier. For example, if the bride loves Italian food, then you can center the theme around that. Make a big batch of spaghetti or have an Italian restaurant cater the event. You can center everything else around this same idea. Once you have chosen it, your food, decorations, and games should be easier since they will be narrowed down.

Figure Out Your Budget

Things will be much easier if you plan ahead. Figure out how much money you can afford to spend on the bridal shower. It can be helpful to ask the other bridesmaids to pitch in some money as well. When you know the total amount of money you have, it makes it easier to know how much you can spend on individual elements of the party, such as:

  • Food
  • Entertainment
  • Decorations
  • Games
  • Bridal shower gift

Try to stick with your budget so you don't find yourself overwhelmed or skimping on some of the last-minute details. You may also want to include the mother of the bride in this part of the conversation, as you may find she is willing to contribute some money as well.

Give Yourself Time to Plan

The last thing you want is to be throwing together a bridal shower at the last minute. These things take time, and you need to remember that invitations should be sent out about a month in advance. In order for this to happen, you need to have your date, time, and location set up by then. The other details can be decided later, but these things must be included on the invitation.

Communicate and Delegate

Remember, even though you are the maid of honor, not all of the responsibility is on you. Make sure all of the bridesmaids are up to date on what the plans are. Sometimes, starting a text message group is the best way to do this. Also, consider delegating some of the responsibilities to the other members of the bridal party. They will likely be more than happy to take on some of the jobs. You might consider having someone come up with the decorations, while another can help think of games, for example.

Listen to the Bride

You may want your bride to be completely surprised and have no idea what to expect. On the other hand, it may be good for you to ask her for some input. While you should be the one to plan it, you could take some of her suggestions to make sure the party is something she wants.

When it comes to planning a bridal shower, it's important to be prepared. If you know your budget, communicate with everyone, and plan ahead, then it should be no problem to put together a shower of the bride's dreams.

Category: Get Ordained Wedding Materials Wedding Planning


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