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Should You Be Baptized More Than Once?Being baptized is something most people in the religious community take very seriously. It is a commitment to live one's life for Christ. Sometimes, people are baptized as babies or small children before they can truly make the decision on their own. This happens most often in the Catholic Church. It is tradition for infants to be baptized in a ceremony and for godparents to be named. This is a bit different from being baptized as a teenager or adult. When a teenager or adult is baptized, it is typically a personal decision resulting from a commitment to Christ. Many people who were baptized as infants or small children wonder whether or not they should be baptized again.

Is It Necessary?

It is not necessary to be baptized again if you were baptized as a child. In fact, it is never necessary to be baptized at all. The Bible states that all we have to do is accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. However, baptism is a good idea. It is an outward commitment to change your life for the better. While you will still make mistakes and sin (you are still human, after all), it is a way to introduce the Holy Spirit into your body, and this may change you forever. Of course, your heart has to be in it in order for this to happen. Anyone can be dunked in water and call it a baptism. It's the change on the inside that counts. With all of that being said, baptism and re-baptism is never required. It's just something people like to do when they have committed their lives to Jesus.

Reasons to Consider It

Even though it is never a requirement to gain access to heaven, many people want to be baptized for a second time. There are a few reasons this may happen:

  • Being baptized at a young age, as mentioned above
  • Being baptized and not fully understanding the meaning behind it the first time
  • Being baptized and then having a time of not following God

If you are unsure whether or not you should be baptized, then consider talking to your pastor about it. He or she should give you the guidance you need and help you make the right decision.

Questions to Ask Before Being Baptized

There are some questions you should ask yourself before being baptized. This will help make sure you are ready and prepared. One thing you should make sure of is that you know the importance of being baptized. It is a way to repent for your sins. You are also committing to being a Christian for the rest of your life. It is a decision only you can make, not your parents, friends, or pastor. They may give you some advice, but it is solely up to you. Many people choose to be baptized because of their emotions. They feel so moved at a service or so inspired watching others get baptized that they decide to be baptized as well. This is fine, but it's important to make sure you are willing to make the commitment being baptized requires.

Being baptized is a big decision, and one only you can make. If you have already been baptized but wonder if you should go through the process again, remember that it's not required but may be nice if you want a fresh start. Of course, it's important to remember that we are always going to sin, so you shouldn't be baptized every time you think you have done something wrong. In the end, if being baptized for a second time feels right for you, then there's no reason you shouldn't do it.

Category: Get Ordained Baptism

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