Is a Home Funeral Right for You?A home funeral is a great way to soften the burden of planning and paying for a traditional service. You are already dealing with the loss of someone you loved, and all of the logistics of a funeral can just add insult to injury. It can be hard to be in the right state of mind to make these decisions, and you want to give the best funeral possible without breaking the bank. Perhaps your loved one planned his or her funeral ahead of time so you don't have to worry about the financial burden. Unfortunately, this usually isn't the case. Something more and more people are starting to look into is a home funeral. The idea may seem a little strange at first, but there are actually several different reasons why this is something so many people are switching to.

Save Money

Of course, having a funeral in your home can save you a lot of money. The average funeral can cost upwards of $10,000. If you are like most people, that number is hard to swallow. These costs don't include the burial, the gravestone, or the grave site. Your costs can be cut dramatically by moving the funeral to your home. While you will still pay for the burial fees, you won't have to pay for a funeral home or an embalming service. What's more is you won't have to pay for someone to officiate the funeral. Many home funerals do not use a casket. You may find a simple burial box is just what you need. What's great about this is that you can decorate it in a way that represents your loved one well. This may include things like:

  • Writing quotes that he or she loved on it
  • Painting designs in colors he or she would have liked
  • Filling the burial box with letters from family and friends

Not only is this a way to make the casket more personal, it's also a way to save a great deal of money.

More Closure

With a home funeral, all of the work is done by you and your family. You will be the one who picks out the clothing that the deceased will wear at the funeral, and you will also get the body ready. This may sound unnerving, but it is something many people find comforting. It can be seen as your last act of love for the person. While a funeral home will almost certainly treat your loved one with care and respect, its staff won't be able to offer the love you can. This can also be a chance for you to mourn and bond with your other family members. It can actually be a memory that is cherished forever, despite the tragic circumstances. Many find it offers the closure they need and helps them accept the loss more quickly.

More Personal

In addition to the casket, there are ways you can make the funeral more personal when you have it at home. Maybe you don't think the deceased would like a typical funeral. Perhaps he or she would prefer it to be more of a party or a celebration of life. If this is the case, you might consider asking everyone to wear bright colors or something that represents the person who is gone. For example, if he or she was a huge sports fan, having everyone wear the team's colors and/or jersey would be a fun way to celebrate life. You may choose to watch videos of the deceased, or you may want to eat some of his or her favorite foods. All of these are more easily done with a home funeral.

These are a few reasons why a home funeral may be best for you. Not only does it save money, it gives you the opportunity to make the funeral much more personal while providing you with more closure.

Category: Get Ordained Funeral


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