Coping With News of Your Imminent Death

Whether it's cancer or some other chronic illness, hearing that you are only expected to live for a few more weeks or months can come as quite a shock. It may make you feel like a time bomb, and you may not be sure how t ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral

Saving Money on a Funeral

Losing a loved one is difficult, and it isn't helpful when you have to think about planning a funeral and all of the costs you are likely to incur. Even when you are splitting the cost between several family members, it ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral

cremation funeral

Ways to Save Money for Your Funeral

Funerals aren't cheap, so it's best not to be caught off-guard. It's something no one wants to think about, but one day, all of us are going to die. While some will die unexpectedly at a young age, most of us will liv ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral

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Mourning on Social Media

Going through the death of a loved one is a very difficult time, but things have changed since social media has become popular. Only a few years ago, people would try to be private during the death of a dear one, request ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral

Getting a Loved One Through Those Final Days

Watching someone you love suffer is one of the hardest things you can go through. This is especially the case if you know the only way the person is going to get any relief is through death. Unfortunately, this happens ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral

How to Help a Loved One Going Through a Loss

It's a time when many phrases seem cliché and many actions seem meaningless. When a friend is dealing with the death of a loved one, you may be wondering what you can do to help. Sure, you want to be there to ma ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral

How to Deliver a Memorable Eulogy

Losing a loved one is a very difficult thing. It is often followed by grief and sadness that are hard to explain. This is only complicated by the fact that after the person passes away, there are decisions that need to ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral


Planning Your Funeral Service

It can be hard to think about, but the fact is all of us are going to die one day. It's a sad thing, but it's just part of life. When someone dies, it can be a very difficult time for the family. Not only have they los ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral


How to Write Your Will: Some Helpful Tips

It's a topic no one wants to think about, but something that is necessary. Eventually you're going to die, and your will must decide where your assets go. Some think they do not need to write up a will until they are o ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral

Cremation Up Among People Who Eschew Organized Religion

More and more people are choosing cremation funeral urn on white background The Cremation Association of North America has noticed an interesting trend. In the past 15 years, the cremation rate has doubled, most clea ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral Ceremonies

cremation funeral