Saving money in a piggy bank.

Funerals aren't cheap, so it's best not to be caught off-guard.

It's something no one wants to think about, but one day, all of us are going to die. While some will die unexpectedly at a young age, most of us will live a long life before this happens. Still, as with most things in life, it's best to be prepared for when the time comes. When we pass away, the burden of paying funeral expenses and burial costs will stay with our family members, the ones we love most. In addition, a lot of the debts that you owe will fall onto their shoulders as well. Because of this, it can be helpful to prepare by saving money and making sure as much debt is paid off as possible. This can be difficult when you are living paycheck to paycheck or have what feels like insurmountable debt. However, there are a few things you can do to save money, and you can also do some things to bring the overall cost of your funeral down. Even if you are still young, paying off debt can relieve a huge burden off of you.

Cut Unnecessary Expenses

If you are on a fixed income, this may be something you did a long time ago. However, there may be some things you aren't thinking of. For example, do you have cable television that you have had a hard time letting go of? This can cost you over a thousand dollars every year. The good news is, there are streaming sites you can subscribe to for a low fee, and you will have access to most shows on television. Besides that, you can rent movies and purchase an antenna so you can have access to your local channels. If you don't want to give up cable altogether, then there are a couple things you can do to lower your bill. Look at a cheaper package, or call and ask if there are any deals you can take advantage of. Other expenses to look at lowering include:

  • Cell phone bill
  • Food bill
  • Entertainment (such as going to the movie theater)

Even saving $10 or so on each of these can add up quickly.


Are you living in a home that is bigger than what you need? Perhaps you have a four-bedroom house from the days when all of your children lived with you, but now find you have more space than you need. Downsizing can be a great way to save some cash. You can sell your home and move somewhere smaller, whether it's an apartment or a smaller house. This can save you a substantial amount of money, not only with your mortgage payment, but also with the cost of utilities.

Consider Cremation

One of the most expensive things about a funeral is the burial costs. You have to purchase a headstone and a burial plot, which typically cost thousands of dollars. Being cremated is a much cheaper option. If your family is comfortable with it, this can be a great way to relieve a financial burden from them.

Ask a Family Member or Friend to Officiate

Having someone you know officiate your funeral can not only save money, it can make the service much more personal. This will be such a blessing to your family. It will likely be an honor to the person who you ask, and he or she will likely be happy to do it.

Hopefully you have many years of life ahead of you. Still, no matter how much time you have left, settling these things earlier rather than later can save money, therefore relieving a financial burden for your family. Your family will suffer enough once you are gone; you don't want to add finances to the mix.

Category: Get Ordained Funeral

cremation funeral

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