Cremation Up Among People Who Eschew Organized Religion

More and more people are choosing cremation funeral urn on white background The Cremation Association of North America has noticed an interesting trend. In the past 15 years, the cremation rate has doubled, most clea ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral Ceremonies

cremation funeral

The New Trend of Making Funeral Videos

As funeral homes try to adapt to shifts in the ways people are addressing their own deaths and those of their loved ones, more businesses are expanding their use of technology. In New Zealand and other countries around ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral


Poshest Places to Be Buried in the U.S.

They may not be able to take it with them, but many people are choosing burial locations that leave enough behind to remember them by. America's wealthy are buying up some of the country's most prized real estate in or ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral

Women Are Reclaiming Their Place in the Funeral Industry

Women have come nearly full circle in the funeral business. Before there was such as thing as a funeral home, it was the exclusive job of the females of the house or community to handle and prepare bodies after death. ...

Category: Funeral

Funeral Conventions Offer a Wealth of Options

As the hundreds of funeral alternatives on display at the National Funeral Directors Association annual convention prove, creativity does not end with death. Whether people are concerned with their carbon footprints af ...

Category: Funeral

The World’s Oddest Burial Sites

In the American imagination, a traditional cemetery, complete with manicured lawns and symmetrical headstones, remains the standard image for a burial site. Around the world, however, people have been put to rest in so ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral

Emerging Internet Venues For Expressing Grief

Eleven years ago, after her father and stepmother were murdered in their home in Sedona, Arizona, Gabrielle Birkner, 34, attended Safe Horizons in a Harlem basement. She was the youngest participant by at least a gener ...

Category: Funeral

Funeral Revival: Bringing the Body of a Loved One Home

When a loved one dies in a hospital, most often the body is released to a funeral home for preparation for internment or cremation. In fact, a release form is necessary to have the body go anywhere but a funeral home. So ...

Category: Funeral

The Ethics and Etiquette of Social Media and Funerals

Most everyone has a story or recollection about the misuse of social media in a social situation. Incidents range from embarrassing selfies to inappropriate or even vengeful posts. As with much technology, social media s ...

Category: Funeral

Making Way for Choice in Burials

The casket industry in the United States is said to be a 1.5 billion dollar industry, with a typical price tag for a steel coffin coming in at around $2,500. In past decades and until fairly recently, up to 90% of burial ...

Category: Funeral