Planning for the cost of a funeral

It can be hard to think about, but the fact is all of us are going to die one day. It's a sad thing, but it's just part of life. When someone dies, it can be a very difficult time for the family. Not only have they lost a family member, they also have to go through the process of planning the funeral and making a lot of decisions that can be difficult in such an emotionally taxing time. On top of that, they will have to find a way to pay for your funeral as well as your burial or cremation.

No one wants to put this burden on their family. One of the ways you can help prevent it is by planning your own funeral. It sounds like such a strange concept, but it can save your loved ones a lot of work after you are gone. This can give them the opportunity to focus on their grieving instead of having to make tough decisions. If you are able, you can also set aside money for your funeral so it will be paid in full when your time comes. This can relieve quite the financial burden for your loved ones and make that difficult time a little bit easier.

Buried or Cremated

Something you will need to decide is whether you would prefer to be buried or cremated. You may not feel you have much of a preference since you obviously won't be around when the time has come to bury or cremate you. You might consider asking your family which they prefer. They might want you to be buried so they have a place to come and pay their respects. Many people find comfort in visiting the grave site of a loved one after he or she has gone, so it may be something your loved ones want. However, more and more people are choosing cremation because it can be less expensive. Oftentimes, the family will take the ashes and scatter them in some of their loved one's favorite places. This can be comforting for the family.

Planning For the Funeral Service

Making decisions about the service can also be helpful. You might have a preference for where your service is held. If you are religious, you might decide to have your funeral in your church. If not, you may want to have it at a funeral home. Other things you might want to decide on are:

  • Which songs will be played
  • Who you would like to officiate the service
  • Readings you would like to be read
  • Whether or not there will be food offered afterwards

It may seem some of these decisions are silly for you to make, however, your family will likely appreciate that they don't have to make any of these choices.

Burial Plot

If you have decided you would like to be buried, then it's a good idea to pay for your plot and gravestone in advance if possible. This can save your loved ones a great deal of money, and it can be comforting to know there is a spot reserved for you to be laid to rest after you have passed on. If you have chosen to be cremated, you might want to share with your loved ones where you would want your ashes to be scattered.

When you are gone, knowing these decisions have already been made can help ease a burden your family may have otherwise felt. It's even better if you have the financial ability to pay for your own funeral. Knowing your family will be taken care of after you are gone is one of the best things you can do for yourself as well as for them.

Category: Get Ordained Funeral


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