A mother and her child at a funeralWhen someone dies, it seems to be expected that a funeral will follow soon after. However, there are some times when a family does not want to have a funeral. Maybe it is because you do not have enough money to pay for a funeral home, or maybe your loved one requested that you do not have a funeral for him or her after he or she dies. No matter the reason, you might be wondering what you can do to honor a person after he or she has died. Doing nothing isn't usually an option, as you probably want to do something to give closure and honor the memory. Thankfully, there are many different options out there. Here are a few ideas to help you get started.

Graveside Service

It's pretty traditional to have a wake, a funeral, and then a brief graveside service after someone dies. However, there is nothing that says all of this is completely necessary. You may opt to skip straight to the graveside service. It's best to only include a few people, as a graveside isn't the optimal place to host hundreds of people. You may have some of your closest family members and friends meet at the graveside. You can all exchange a few words and say your goodbyes. This can be as long or short as you want. There's no need for it to be super formal, but it can be if that's what you prefer.

Do Something They Loved

If you are looking for something you can do privately to remember your loved one, then you might consider finding something the two of you used to love doing together. It may feel lonely doing it on your own, but it can be a great way to honor the memory of your loved one. You might consider something like:

  • Going to a park the two of you loved
  • Going to the ballpark if the two of you loved the same sports team
  • Spending some time serving at a charity he or she was passionate about

There are many different things you can do. Try to think of a memory you have or of something he or she loved. This can help you figure out what the right activity might be for you.

Celebration of Life

If you are hoping to avoid a funeral, then you might want to have a celebration of life. This could be held at your house or at a nearby park. You could serve a meal, release balloons, or spread the ashes if the deceased was cremated. Have your friends and family join you to celebrate the life of the one you have just lost.

Do Something in Nature

Some people find comfort in planting a tree or doing something else in nature once their loved one is gone. Consider doing something to better the community in honor of your loved one. If nature isn't your thing, then you may consider making a donation to charity, whether it is with time or money. Doing something positive for the world in honor of the one who has died can be a great way to remember the person.

Create a Book

Making a book to honor the memory of the one you lost can be a good option. You might find it is healing as well as a chance to show others some things you loved most about him or her. You could include pictures, quotes, and happy memories.

As you can see, there are many ways to mourn the lost without having a funeral. If a funeral is out of your price range or something your loved one did not want, then you might consider one of these alternatives. These ideas can help give you closure while avoiding a funeral.

Category: Get Ordained Funeral


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