What You Need To Do To Receive Your Wedding Officiant Online Certification
If you’re a first-time wedding officiant, you want to get the ball rolling on your registration as soon as you can. Look at the application portal at the Universal Life Church to get some perspective on what is expeted.
Category: Get Ordained How Do I Get Ordained
Get Ordained Beliefs and Philosophy
The ULC provides a home for anyone that doesn’t fit into a neat little religious box, and empowers its ministers to express their beliefs proudly – however idiosyncratic or unconventional they might be.
Category: Get Ordained Universal Life Church
How To Find Your Wedding Officiant
Looking for a wedding officiant? You've got options, but you want to get it right. From conducting your search to narrowing your choices down to the final decision, here are the ways to find your perfect officiant.
Category: Universal Life Church Wedding Planning
Tennessee Faces Backlash Over Law Barring Weddings by Online Ministers
Earlier this year, Tennessee sought to prevent ministers ordained online from performing wedding ceremonies. Now the Universal Life Church is suing the state to ensure their ministers' rights are upheld.
Category: Marriage
Universal Life Church Files Lawsuit to Protect Online Ordination
The ULCM has thousands of active ministers and members across the State of Tennessee, individuals whose Constitutional and spiritual rights have been denied them by Tennessee lawmakers without good reason.
Category: Universal Life Church Perform a Wedding
Ministers: Essential Support When a Loved One Dies
When a death occurs, ULC ministers may find themselves called upon to provide emotional support, or even plan the funeral. If grieving family members have reached out to you, consider these tips as you proceed.
Benefits of Online Church
Attending an online church is a life-enriching experience that can provide just as much spiritual fulfillment as an in-person service. Here are a few of the ways that online church can be a great alternative.
Category: Technology Church
A Baptism Primer
The rite of baptism evokes some familiar images. Many might picture an infant being held over a font in a church surrounded by clergy, family and witnesses. Another scene may show a group of people up to their waists in ...
Category: Baptism
Where Should I Become Ordained? A Guide to the Universal Life Churches
Become Ordained Online through the Universal Life Church Did you know that it takes three or more years and tens of thousands of dollars in tuition alone to become ordained through a Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, or some ...
Category: Become Ordained
Become Ordained to Perform Same Sex Weddings
Same Sex Weddings Now Legal in Nine States Nov. 6, 2012 witnessed four major victories in the fight for complete marriage equality in the United States. The first of these victories came when Minnesota voters defeate ...
Category: Become Ordained