To Throw or Not to Throw? The Truth Behind Rice at Weddings
By now, you may have heard of a common truism that you’re no longer supposed to throw rice at weddings. The usual reason given is that birds will eat the raw grains, which will expand their stomachs and kill them u ...
Category: Wedding Materials Wedding Planning
Oh No, They Didn’t! When Guests Upstage the Wedding
If you’re knee-deep in planning your wedding, you might find your thoughts drifting to all the things that could possibly go wrong. What if the caterers don’t show? Might someone’s rambunctious pet dest ...
Category: Ceremonies Society
Infusing Fun Into Your Reception
There are countless paths that you can traverse when planning for your wedding. It stands to reason that you and your partner have spent a great deal of time discussing your own plans. Though coming up with ideas for you ...
Category: Wedding Planning
Crash Course on Wedding Invitations
Preparing for your wedding can be a challenge. You and your partner are most likely putting a lot of energy into planning a reception that will showcase your bond and keep your guests entertained all the while. Before yo ...
Category: Wedding Planning
Sensible Diet Tips While Preparing for Your Wedding
When wedding bells start ringing, people tend to get a bit tense. If you are the one preparing for your own ceremony, then you might feel as if there are a million tasks to take care of before the day arrives. Some coupl ...
Category: Wedding Planning Marriage
Remembering Self-Care While Grieving
Loss can hit everyone differently. When someone close to you has passed away, you are likely to feel an array of emotions. At times, these sensations may prove overwhelming and contradictory, causing you to lose sight of ...
How Pet Parents Throw Weddings
Couples have been including their pets on their weddings for years, and there are many clever ways for you to come up with a plan that works for your needs.
Category: Wedding Planning Ceremonies
Planning Your Wedding Together
Weddings are very interesting events. While the classic idea of a modern wedding tends to paint the bride as the force behind the entire ordeal, in most cases that is not quite the truth. In many situations, weddings are ...
Category: Wedding Planning
The Surprising Origins of Engagement Rings
Many people wooing their beloved practice the common nuptial tradition of giving an engagement ring. This modern practice has undergone many transformations from its original ancient origins. As some couples take a hard ...
Category: Wedding Materials Wedding Planning
After Chris Cornell’s Death, Discussions Arise About Mental Health
The death of a public figure, especially when it happens at a younger age, is never easy to understand. Just as heartbroken fans mourned the losses of luminaries such as Carrie Fisher and Prince in 2016, the news about t ...