The Resurgence of Religious Television Programming

For years, religious themes were rarely explored on television. But two new shows are bringing religion to the forefront. Will these programs usher in a new wave of religious content on the small screen?

Category: Faith

culture religion media social media

How to Keep a Baby Calm During a Baptism

For many parents, getting their baby baptized is an important spiritual ceremony. But babies can become confused or upset during the ceremony. Check out these tips to minimize fussing and crying from the little one.

Category: Baptism

religion family children

Is Yoga Dangerous for Christians?

Yoga is generally regarded as a great way to get fit. However, some Christian leaders are taking issue with the exercise's origins in Hindu philosophy. Does yoga, as one pastor says, open you up to demonic influence?

Category: Society

culture self care religion

Evangelism, Then and Now

Evangelism has deep roots in American history dating back to the nation's inception. But now, half of Millennials think it is wrong to proselytize. When it comes to our thoughts on sharing our religion, what changed?

Category: Society Faith

culture religion history

Fallen Leaders and the Books They Wrote

Finding out an author you like conducts themselves poorly can be traumatic. Dealing with the fallout from that can be a personal trial in and of itself. Can art and the artist really be separated- and should they be?

Category: Society

culture communication religion media

Are Sermons Effective?

Studies are finding that active learning is a better way to improve recall and retention in students. How can church leaders take improvements in academia and apply them to their sermons? Here are a few ways.

Category: Church

minister culture religion

Should Christians Ignore the Commandments in the Old Testament?

Some are arguing that the Old Testament is outdated and that the 10 Commandments have little relevance to a modern day Christian's life. Are the lessons present in The Sermon on the Mount a good replacement?

Category: Society Church

culture religion

Can an Atheist Lead a Church?

Priests and preachers who have lost their faith might seem like a rather novel concept-- but it's a lot more common than you think. When a religious leader loses their belief, can they still lead their congregation?

Category: Society Church

minister communication relationships religion

Should Hotels Include Bibles in the Rooms?

While they were once common, over the last decade Bibles have disappeared from hotel rooms. As technology improves and international travel becomes more widespread, is the hotel room Bible still necessary? 

Category: Society Church

culture communication religion

Can Christianity Be Political?

What is the appropriate intersection of Christianity and politics? Some say believers should keep their beliefs out of the ballot box, and others suggest their religious inclinations should inform their votes.

Category: Society Church

future communication religion