Raising Children as a Widower or Widow

Losing someone close to you is hard no matter what, but the pain is often multiplied when it's your significant other. Whether it was something tragic and unexpected or something you anticipated was coming for a while, i ...

Category: Loss

culture grief

Unique Funeral Ceremonies of Different Religions

Every single major religion throughout history has placed huge significance on dying and what comes after death. Whether a religion believes in an afterlife or reincarnation, each religion has guidelines for how to condu ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral Ceremonies

minister funeral culture grief

Simple Ways To Find Your Spiritual Center

Life can often be harsh and unforgiving. For every wonderful victory you experience, you are bound to have a crushing defeat. While no one really looks forward to these low points, they can be crucial to becoming a stron ...

Category: Society Loss Technology

culture grief

Death Doulas: Caring Approaches to End-of-Life Planning

Whether we’re facing the ends of our lives or we’re pondering our own mortality, it’s easy to feel vulnerable, uncertain, lost, or even afraid. Many people find that death isn’t an easy subject to ...

Category: Funeral Loss

funeral grief

Frequently Asked Questions About Planning a Funeral

Planning a funeral is not a fun task for anyone. Sorting through the emotions involved in losing a loved one can be difficult enough, and needing to plan a funeral on top of that can really complicate things. Still, it ...

Category: Funeral Loss

cremation funeral grief

Getting Back to Normal Life After a Loss

Grieving the loss of a loved one is not an easy process. Losing someone close to you may be one of the hardest things you go through. The first few days are likely to be the hardest, as you go through the many emotions ...

Category: Funeral Loss


Living Funerals: A New Type of Send-Off

The commonly repeated axiom that funerals benefit the living more than the dead may have some truth to it, especially if you consider loved ones’ need for closure. Yet what if you hold a funeral for someone while h ...

Category: Funeral Loss

funeral culture grief

Buddhist Funerals 101: Grieving and Remembrance

Death is often regarded with equal parts curiosity, awe, and fear, so it’s not surprising that humans have developed complex belief systems and rituals to deal with it. Since it’s sometimes hard to tell wheth ...

Category: Funeral Loss

culture grief future

How to Officiate at a Funeral Service

A funeral service addresses what may be a universal need to say goodbye through ceremony. Most religions follow their own practices regarding services, but ceremonial differences may have as much to do with cultural ...

Category: Funeral Ceremonies Loss

funeral grief

Stephen Hawking and Disability Narratives After Death

If you’ve seen any mass media coverage about Stephen Hawking’s passing this past March, you’ve probably witnessed praise of the late physicist that he “surpassed his disabilities” and excell ...

Category: Loss

culture grief