Living Funerals: A New Type of Send-Off

The commonly repeated axiom that funerals benefit the living more than the dead may have some truth to it, especially if you consider loved ones’ need for closure. Yet what if you hold a funeral for someone while h ...

Category: Funeral Loss

funeral culture grief

Buddhist Funerals 101: Grieving and Remembrance

Death is often regarded with equal parts curiosity, awe, and fear, so it’s not surprising that humans have developed complex belief systems and rituals to deal with it. Since it’s sometimes hard to tell wheth ...

Category: Funeral Loss

culture grief future

Odd International Wedding Traditions to Give You Pause

Most families have specific traditions when it comes to celebrating new unions. Wedding rituals can be found all over the world. If you feel like members of your family are asking you to engage in some awkward or embarra ...

Category: Marriage Society

weddings culture

Ditch the Madness and Have a Relaxing Bachelorette Party

Bachelorette parties are known for being off-the-walls. If you are not interested in getting wasted with your girls and having a half-remembered night with male dancers and endless trips to the bathroom, then maybe a mor ...

Category: Marriage


Stephen Hawking and Disability Narratives After Death

If you’ve seen any mass media coverage about Stephen Hawking’s passing this past March, you’ve probably witnessed praise of the late physicist that he “surpassed his disabilities” and excell ...

Category: Loss

culture grief

Successful Wedding Exercise Tips When You Hate Exercise

Getting in shape and staying healthy might be top priorities for many people but there are plenty more who hate the idea of exercising. If you would rather kick back and relax than hit the gym, you may be at an interesti ...

Category: Wedding Planning

weddings culture

A Crash Course on Wedding Gift-Giving Etiquette

Many wedding etiquette guides specify how newlyweds should approach receiving their wedding presents, but what about guests who wish to bestow gifts upon the happy couple? If you’re stuck on what to give and you ne ...

Category: Marriage

weddings culture receptions money

Celebrating Life: Unique Ways of Memorializing a Loved One

In the West, a funeral is usually where you’d pay your last respects to a deceased person. Yet both older and newer alternative traditions exist that still let family give an honorable, memorable goodbye to a loved ...

Category: Funeral Society Loss

funeral culture grief

Honor Attendants 101: A Quick Guide

Many matrimonial traditions all over the globe include special roles usually filled by siblings or friends of those getting married. They may occupy an honorary spot in wedding processions and even aid their comrades or ...

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding day culture

“Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace”

It’s a phrase you never want to hear a response to when you’re standing at the aisle, ready to speak your vows and marry the person you love. Yet, Hollywood movies and television shows often rely on it as a d ...

Category: Ceremonies Marriage

weddings culture