How to do a Wedding Ceremony Reading

Whether you are a couple's choice for the officiant at their wedding, or they just want you to read a favorite passage or piece at the ceremony, it is an honor to be asked to participate. There is no doubt you feel honor ...

Category: Get Ordained Perform a Wedding

Alternative Wedding Ceremony

Alternative Wedding People have been proclaiming their commitment to one another through wedding ceremonies of one form or another for centuries. Traditional services have meant different things in different times. Ma ...

Category: Get Ordained Perform a Wedding

Challenges of an Interfaith Ceremony

In the age of globalization, a rise in the number of marriages between people of different cultural origins should come as no surprise. As a wedding officiant, you can play a significant part in helping people to blend t ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

How to Perform an Interfaith Wedding

Weddings are most often cause for joy, but sometimes parents have trouble with the idea of an interfaith union. They may be upset or distressed for a variety of reasons. In a fast-changing world, some people may view the ...

Category: Get Ordained Perform a Wedding

Restoring an Ancient Baptism Location

In many religious traditions, the Jordan River has been a holy baptism location for centuries. For Christians, its identity as the place of the baptism of Jesus Christ makes it the original source of all holy water. Pilg ...

Category: Get Ordained Baptism

How to Perform a Baptism Emergency

7567836(1)](/assets/getordained/blog/scaled/couple-holds-baby-to-minister-baptism.jpg){.wp-image-585 .size-medium .alignleft width=300 height=201}In most Christian traditions, and in some other religions as well, it is n ...

Category: Get Ordained Baptism

How to Be a Funeral Minister

Today's society allows for a wider range of funeral options than most traditional religious or church-based offerings. While many people still opt to have the spiritual leader of their organization perform the funeral se ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral

How to Officiate a Wedding

Being asked to perform a friend's wedding can be daunting. Our church is contact by dozens of individuals every month seeking guidance on how to officiate a wedding. Furthermore, these people don't just want to officiate ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

perform a wedding

A Baptism Primer

The rite of baptism evokes some familiar images. Many might picture an infant being held over a font in a church surrounded by clergy, family and witnesses. Another scene may show a group of people up to their waists in ...

Category: Baptism

Universal Life Church

Yikes! I’ve Been Asked to Perform a Wedding!

Here is the scene: Your two best friends, who never do anything like anyone else, have surprised everyone by deciding to get married. And why not, now that they can? Of course, it will be a wedding like no other, and the ...

Category: Get Ordained Wedding Planning Perform a Wedding Become Ordained

perform a wedding minister

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