How to Officiate a Wedding

Being asked to perform a friend's wedding can be daunting. Our church is contact by dozens of individuals every month seeking guidance on how to officiate a wedding. Furthermore, these people don't just want to officiate ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

perform a wedding

A Baptism Primer

The rite of baptism evokes some familiar images. Many might picture an infant being held over a font in a church surrounded by clergy, family and witnesses. Another scene may show a group of people up to their waists in ...

Category: Baptism

Universal Life Church

Yikes! I’ve Been Asked to Perform a Wedding!

Here is the scene: Your two best friends, who never do anything like anyone else, have surprised everyone by deciding to get married. And why not, now that they can? Of course, it will be a wedding like no other, and the ...

Category: Get Ordained Wedding Planning Perform a Wedding Become Ordained

perform a wedding minister

What Can You Do as an Atheist Minister?

What you can do as an Atheist Minister In a Christian church, the minister is the one who leads the service, performs ceremonies such as funerals and weddings, and provides counseling to its members. Who provides thes ...

Category: Get Ordained

Brides Across America Helps Warrior Women Wed

Free Wedding Dresses for Deserving Servicewomen There are currently more than 200,000 women serving on active duty in the United States military. This accounts for nearly 15 percent of the troops. The branch that boasts ...

Category: Wedding Materials Wedding Planning

Wedding Officiant Cost

The Perks of Being a Marriage Officiant Being a marriage officiant offers a lot of advantages for anyone interested in a career that's a little bit non-traditional. Though the job of officiating a wedding is most often ...

Category: Wedding Materials

wedding officiant

How to Fill out a Marriage License

]A couple has asked you to perform their wedding ceremony. You are honored, and take the necessary steps in order to become an officiant by becoming an ordained American marriage minister. The ceremony is planned, a loca ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

Religion in China: Life Difficult for Christians

In China, religious freedom is elusive, at best. Twenty-five years after the uprising in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, Chinese authorities are targeting people who want to practice other beliefs outside of traditional Chi ...

Category: Universal Life Church

Pope Francis Condemns Sexual Abuse by Catholic Clergy

Pope Francis Pleads for Forgiveness From Victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse   On July 6th, Pope Francis met with a small group of adult victims at the Vatican who suffered sexual abuse at the hands of the Catholic cle ...

Category: Get Ordained

Marriage Finances Guide

Marriage Finances and Money Personalities Along with their other personality traits, newlyweds come pre-wired with views and behaviors toward money. Because of temperament, the way they were raised, and/or situations th ...

Category: Wedding Planning Perform a Wedding