Wedding Reception Cash Bars: A Sensible Move or an Etiquette No-No?

Traditions and etiquette standards have changed a lot within the last 50 years, shifting as our social landscape has altered and technological innovations have impacted our daily lives. Some customs that would have been ...

Category: Wedding Planning Marriage

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The Sweetheart Table: A Hotly Debated Wedding Tradition

Depending on who you ask, the sweetheart table is either a great piece of wedding reception décor, a wonderful respite for newlyweds or a horrible tradition that puts the happy couple in an uncomfortable display. ...

Category: Wedding Planning Marriage

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Common Wedding Cake Traditions, Unboxed

As you and your future spouse decide what sort of delectable sweet treat you’ll offer to your wedding guests, you’ll probably encounter some typical traditions involving wedding cake. There’s a reason b ...

Category: Wedding Planning Marriage

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Details To Remember the Day of Your Wedding

Getting married can come with an awesome weight of responsibility. Not only do you need to be mature enough to handle the trials and tribulations of married life, you also need to dedicate a ton of time to planning for t ...

Category: Wedding Planning

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Make Your Mark: Choosing Your Wedding Day Fragrance

You may have already thought about how individual elements such as clothing, footwear, and accessories will factor into your wedding day style. Meanwhile, scent is a powerful sensory detail that impacts emotions and well ...

Category: Wedding Planning

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Planning a Summer Wedding? Keep These Tips in Mind

Statistically, spring weddings are reported to be the most popular option amongst couples tying the knot. Still, marrying in the spring is not as convenient as many would hope. Since venues throughout this season book fa ...

Category: Wedding Planning Marriage

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Whose Wedding Is It, Anyway? Achieving Balance on Your Big Day

Although your wedding can reflect your personalities, values, and aesthetics, planning it may require a bit of a juggling act. After all, you aren’t just trying to balance both yours and your partner’s desire ...

Category: Wedding Planning Ceremonies

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Smart Tips for Your Wedding Guest List

Getting married is a lot like planning a large party in many ways, especially since you’ll be including food, drink, entertainment and decorations. Besides these details, you’ll also need to select a venue an ...

Category: Wedding Planning Ceremonies

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Taking Your Best Shots: Tips for Planning Your Wedding Photos

If a picture is worth the proverbial thousand words, then your wedding photos can tell many stories. You have budgetary restrictions and your photographers need to know how they should spend their time in capturing your ...

Category: Wedding Planning

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Want an Unplugged Wedding? Follow This Essential Advice

For many people, smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices are essential tools for communication, organization, photography, productivity, and leisure. Yet with the chance of wedding pics spoiled by shutter-happy gu ...

Category: Wedding Planning

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