Raising Children as a Widower or Widow

Losing someone close to you is hard no matter what, but the pain is often multiplied when it's your significant other. Whether it was something tragic and unexpected or something you anticipated was coming for a while, i ...

Category: Loss

culture grief

Coed Wedding Showers: A Fresh Take on an Old Custom

Bridal showers have been a common wedding tradition for a little over a century, but changes in our social landscape warrant new modern interpretations of this custom. For same-gender couples or engaged pairs who want a ...

Category: Marriage

weddings receptions

Break Tradition With These Engagement Ring Ideas

Marriage has been around a long time. In all of human history, there have been some interesting traditions to come and go related to weddings. The engagement ring, for example, is a symbol that experts believe came about ...

Category: Wedding Planning

weddings culture

Simple Ways To Announce Your Engagement

Engagements make for big news. While you might feel like you want to keep your engagement as small and as intimate as possible, you are eventually going to need to spread the news to the people you care about. Nowadays, ...

Category: Marriage Society

weddings culture

What to Do With Unneeded Wedding Gifts

The biggest perk to getting married is getting to start your life with the person you love, but everyone loves the gifts that come along with it! Whether your wedding was large or small, you probably received quite a few ...

Category: Ceremonies Marriage

receptions money

Start Stashing Wedding Cash Now With These Tips

Getting married is an expensive process. Even if you plan on having a very small and intimate gathering, you are still looking at a situation where you need to put forth a decent chunk of change. While there are many fac ...

Category: Wedding Materials Wedding Planning

weddings receptions money

Wedding Reception Cash Bars: A Sensible Move or an Etiquette No-No?

Traditions and etiquette standards have changed a lot within the last 50 years, shifting as our social landscape has altered and technological innovations have impacted our daily lives. Some customs that would have been ...

Category: Wedding Planning Marriage

weddings culture receptions money

Unique Funeral Ceremonies of Different Religions

Every single major religion throughout history has placed huge significance on dying and what comes after death. Whether a religion believes in an afterlife or reincarnation, each religion has guidelines for how to condu ...

Category: Get Ordained Funeral Ceremonies

minister funeral culture grief

The Sweetheart Table: A Hotly Debated Wedding Tradition

Depending on who you ask, the sweetheart table is either a great piece of wedding reception décor, a wonderful respite for newlyweds or a horrible tradition that puts the happy couple in an uncomfortable display. ...

Category: Wedding Planning Marriage

weddings receptions

Tips for Getting Through Constant Business Trips

For most people, being separated from a spouse for a long period of time can be difficult and stressful. After all, isn't one of the perks of marriage that you get to be together most of the time? This is true for most, ...

Category: Society

culture future money